Remember to celebrate the old and enjoy the new!
On our last day of the year we went on a long training run starting just after noon.
We traveled west of the kennel and then somewhat south. The sun set as we went along. GORGEOUS!
Then we swung south of Two Rivers along the Chena River and due east. The super moon started to rise as we traveled. AMAZING!
Then we climbed the hills to the north summiting to 3,500 feet. We traveled back to the west and rode the ridge line above tree level looking to the south and the west. We were able to see some of the 8PM Fireworks show in Fairbanks. WOW!
(Sorry… no video my battery got cold!)
What an awesome way to ring in the new year…and that moon….WOW…that must have been gorgeous….along with the fireworks in the distance. That was one special run…thanks for sharing it with us! Happy New Year everyone!!!
Happy New Year to all at SP Kennel- 2 and 4 legs!
I hope that SPK has a wonderful year with great snowy conditions for the upcoming races! The videos are EXCELLENT!
What a fantastic New Years Eve ride. Awesome share!

Thank you.
Happy New Year SP Kennel crew!!!
Thanks so much for the video and the adorable teammates as well as the REALLY big moon – how gorgeous!!!
Happy New Year everyone.
Love the video! Tails waging–So Happy New Year To All SPK!