We love the Copper Basin 300! We have had great fun and great success at this race and the team looking forward to getting down to Glennallen today and preparing to race tomorrow!
We have two teams entered in this year’s CB300 – Allen will take the Black Team and Aliy will race the Red Team. We’ll let you know final team line ups closer to start time.
The race field is really strong and we are looking forward to stiff competition as always. It is known as the toughest 300 miles in Alaska for good reason, the route is not easy and conditions very wildly from race to race. It’s great proving ground for dogs and mushers, and handler teams!
Our superstar handler team of Jeff, Wes and Mark will support both teams.
The race starts in Glennallen at 10am Saturday morning and heads to the first checkpoint at the Red Eagle Lodge in Chistochina. The teams make their way to Meiers Lake Roadhouse, around to Sourdough Creek campsite and the final checkpoint is at Mendeltna Creek Lodge. (We are in awe of Mabel and Russ who, despite a recent fire and loss of the main buildings at the Lodge they will still host all the mushers, handlers, volunteers and race fans.) The race will finish back in Glennallen 300 miles later.
This year is being run in memory of Joel Switzer – a huge supporter of the CB300 and great friend to many mushers and teams. Joel tragically lost his life late last year.
(This is Joel checking in our drop bags back in 2014.)
Are you following along with the race this weekend? Do you want to know how to get unashamedly SP Kennel focussed coverage?
We will have William from Verizon Alaska capturing video and pictures and he will use the Verizon 4G network to send coverage through to Moira back at the kennel for uploading. Thanks William!
Moira will cover the race from the kennel. She will keep the home fires burning, look after the athletes left behind and watch the race unfold, just like you, on the internet. She will update you several times during the race and will “run the numbers” for you and keep you informed.
The Copper Basin 300 website gives you lots of great information. There will be GPS spot trackers to follow, up to date checkpoint times and links to other race information including the race rules, musher profiles and a great interactive route map.
The CB300 Facebook page will also be of great help to get information as it is updated regularly from Race Head Quarters in Glennallen during the race.
You may consider taking part in the CB300 “Sponsor a Mile” program to support the race. Proceeds go directly to the race. The “Links” tab has useful links including up-to-date weather for each area. Check out their cool merchandise also!
The local radio station KCAM will once again be live streaming the start from 9.30am and you can tune in from anywhere in the world! Check it out on Saturday morning.
Click on the red links above to take you to the appropriate pages.
All right!!!! Here we go!!!
AND Moira’s back in the house. Whoop!
Go Teams Go! All of them! Race Teams, Handler Teams, Home Teams, AND RACE FAN TEAM!!!
Refresh finger poised and ready to go! Good luck.
We sponsored Mile 200 in honor of SPK–give a wave when you pass by! Lol!!
Go Red & Black teams! Run well, eat well, rest well! Have fun! The Verizon coverage is awesome!
We sponsored mile 124 – Meiers’ Lake -WOOF WOOF WOOF
Go doggies!!!
Got my rally caps ready, Red and Black!!! Will be folllowing along in ways suggested…
Go Teams go!!!
This is great info, thanks…I’m all set to follow! Go Team SPK!!
Good Luck Aliy & Allen! Go Get-um! Thanks to the handlers also!!
Are you following along with the race this weekend? OF COURSE WE ARE!!!
I love this race…..one of my favorites!! Go SPK Red and Black….cant wait to get this party started!
Happy racing Red and Black teams! You will do great!
I am going to be using the GPS spot trackers to track the SP Kennel teams.
Have fun!
The 4-leggeds and I are ready and waiting to watch the progress of the SPK teams. GO SPK! The SPK-heads are all out here cheering both teams on. Moira! THANK YOU IN ADVANCE for keeping us up to date, as always. We love your posts so please write away. GOOD LUCK TO ALLEN AND ALIY AND THE SPK 4-LEGGEDS.
Just LOVE the way SPK helps make it so easy for fans from all over the world to keep up with the RED and BLACK team action as they build up to races, run races, then recap post race. You make me feel I can be part of the team! Run well everyone! Have the best races possible! And Go Moira – keeping the ‘home fires burning’, and poised to share race action with us.
Wonderful photo of Joel, thank you