People Magazine was too busy with silly Hollywood their “end of the year” articles to publish our Snow Man Puppy Sweater Who Wears it Best? photo competition… so we decided to have the competition ‘in house’.
Each of our puppies; Cloud, Peach and Razz; are shown here in alphabetical order stylishly wearing the sweater. Please note how each puppy looks in the sweater, chose your personal favorite and vote below.
The votes will be tallied in one week – January 3rd – the Puppy Winner will get quality time in her sweater while chewing on a winner’s rawhide bone. We will also randomly choose a Voter Winner who will be mailed a printed photo of their favorite sweater puppy plus and SP Kennel t-shirt.
VOTE here:
What a great idea – bravo! And these youngest of the new additions to the team appear to me to be getting with the SP Kennel program! Happy puppies!!!
Peach has the booties on so that is why I voted for Peach.
Peach wins for the obvious, blurry, tail-wagging going on. She is just super pleased with the sweater!
How fun is this!! They all look so cute!!!
Well, talk about an impossible choice…..puppies are all so adorable and they all look very content with their sweaters. However, I too have to go with Peach. Sorry Cloud and Razz, you both look precious in your sweaters too! And speaking of the sweaters, how cute are they? Did somebody make those for you?? Lucky pups to get to live at SPK!!
I think Peach has an unfair advantage rockin the booties!
Definitely Peach; the sexy little booties are the final touch!! However they are all adorable. Potential winners for Ms Canine Alaska or some similar competition!
I chose Peach because she is wearing the booties and she looks so happy! Cloud and Razz are also very cute in their sweaters, though.
I voted for Cloud for the reason that the like colored hair and the dark sweater stands out. A fan of Razz but no
offense . All look great–a fun idea!
I had to vote for Peach with those matching booties! They are all adorable and I love the idea!
A graphic for Cloud:
Looking sharp in the “ugly sweater contest” – note the Red and Black Team colors the creative seamstress put together with inspired fastening technique. Now that’s what I call giving your all for Team!!!
Razz Razz Razz Razz ……
GO CLOUD! I’m a fan so I’m biased. All 3 are beautiful and all 3 look happy (they must be at SPK) but Cloud has the world’s toughest feet, so she won’t NEED booties! (there’s some fightin’ words…)
Can’t wait! – 36 more days until the SPK teams (4 and 2 legs) go out to strut their stuff. The TR50 was a great warm up and then the Quest is when we start to howl. Sending a ‘sweet song ending’ to all for the close of 2017. Here’s to the loved ones (4 and 2 legs) we’ve said goodbye to this year. Here’s to new adventures of a brand new year. Put your sweaters on; it’s cold outside!
I chose Razz for her direct eye contact with the camera – a real showgirl in the making.
Peach is the one!