The threesome are getting bigger. Razz, Cloud and Peach are now 16 and 13 weeks, respectively. They are living outdoors now and rotate through several different kennel pens. Their afternoon ‘Play Pen’ is just off the side of the garage. Quito often visits them and likes to play and cuddle. It is nice for them to have some adult dog interaction. Their evening and night time pen is the ‘Plaza’ which is located just beneath the SP Kennel house. The lights from the dinning room table will light up their pen and their nighttime antics can be heard from Aliy and Allen’s bedroom.

The pups’ personalities are blossoming and each individual is just that… their own dog. This coming week we will start walking them on leashes with the goal is to spend quality time with each pup – one on one.

They love to come indoors. They all try to fit on the small dog bed by the window. They can fit ~ if one lays on top of another. They have plenty of dog toys, bones and kongs to entertain their puppy teeth. They also play chase and tug-o-war. They often lose that game to the SPK ‘Queen of Tug-o-War’, Tig. We are certainly enjoying these three youngsters!

We have added the puppies to the Kennel Roster – you can find them in THE DOGS section now. And if one of these pups if now your fav… you have the chance to BECOME A FAN!

Here is a fun video of the kids ‘sharing’ the dog bed:





5 Responses

  • PUPPIES!!! How I missed seeing puppy posts all summer! What a special lil group you got….and I LOVE the video…..what is it with Sled Dogs….they just want to pile up! Quito and Crew….keep an eye on those lil pups! What a handful!

  • Quito’s motherly instinct has kicked in that’s why she is Queen. Tig looks like he’s
    enjoying the fun too. Wonderful pups!

  • The puppies seem to be adapting nicely to their new home- glad Quito is providing the “modeling”. Thanks for sharing the video. How is “M” doing?

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