Of course, like everyone else in the world, those of us at SPK have a lot going on right now. Some of it gets us down, some is terribly exciting and some is just daily trudge. We plan to keep our heads up, keep living the honest and true lives that we have always lived and keep doing our best to enjoy every moment that we have with each other, our awesome dogs and the community that supports us and celebrates with us.

This photo was taking this morning at the kennel. ‘What’s on your Horizon?‘ You never really know … but it’s amazing to look out there, think about it and try to reach it by simply doing the best you can – all the time.

4 Responses

  • No doubt many GOOD things are on the Horizon for SPK…whenever you feel down or overwhelmed with circumstances, just look at that Team in front of you and let the power of the dogs heal your soul. We can always count on you to do the best you can possibly do! Heads up…honest and true! Your Fans know this is the mantra SPK lives by!!

  • This attitude will help you stay anchored and moving in a positive flow. It’s all anyone can ask.

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