The last few weeks we have been enjoying the summer in Two Rivers. This year the temperatures have been warm and the Dog Walks have often involved a pond or creek. The ‘countdown’ to harness training is on the calendar, so enjoy the summer while you can kids!
Here are two fun videos:
What lovely video of dogs just having fun – youngsters learning from older "hands" or in this case, older paws!
And the closing shot is so very special – crossing the bridge to training season? The picture could be perhaps New Hampshire in August (as I recall my one summer vacation long ago in Alton)?
Thanks so very much for these two snapshot video's, WOOF WOOF WOOF,
Look at Gold jumping into the water like a lab!! You go Buddy!! Chemo is like Bronze….not very fond of water even when his Buddy Whiskey swims around trying to get him to jump on in! Love seeing the Five Litter out and about too!! Gotta love the Dog Daze of Summer…..stay cool everyone!!
Happy lucky dogs!

So happy that you let the dogs have a "summer vacation" and they just get to romp and play! That's why we love SPK….Dogs FIRST!
Thanks for the video! Gold jumping like a water dog was hilarious.