One week out! It’s pretty exciting to think that our 2017 – 2018 mushing season is about to begin. The Fall season is in Two Rivers is definitely upon us and the dogs know it. There is cool moisture in the air and the mornings are brisk. Check out the weather forecast for the next week:
There is quite a ‘to do’ list that we still need to do check off before we are fully prepared for harness and hook up next Friday:
- Check the ATV 4 wheelers – we have used them very little in the last 9 months in comparison to the many, many miles we will put on them in the next few months. So, oil change, tire check and all around vehicle inspections are needed.
- Check training mainlines – we need to look through all the tug lines and snaps. Our training lines get lots of wear and tear from mud, ice and grime.
- Check harnesses – we use Howling Dog Harnesses and a “no neck line” system. The dogs are not limited by a second leash attached to their collar so they can run forward or backward and they can face any direction they choose. This system obviously requires a lot of training and patience. Good etiquette and manners doesn’t happen overnight. The first month of Fall training is more about team union and expectations that mileage. HERE is an older post about harnesses.
- Size harnesses – we have small, medium, large and xtra large harnesses. Body shape and weight both play into what size an individual will wear.
- Make dog team rosters – the first few training runs we pair mature dogs with some of our more energetic youth. If we can help it, we like to put dogs into teams that all live in the same area of the yard. That way, after the run, we can let them all loose to run back to their houses and the ‘put away’ is much easier.
- Determine a start time – we will have some new help at SP Kennel this season so we want to start the dogs as well as the mushers off on the right feet (paws.) The best time for a husky to train is when it is coolest… thus very early! We will see how excited the crew is to start harnessing at “Oh Dark Thirty”!
Here is a look at a National Weather Service chart showing temperature fluctuation throughout a 48 hour period for Two Rivers, Alaska. We monitor this chart as well as other weather service data:
NOTE: On Sept 2 we will have a brand new list starting with all the stuff we forgot on Sept 1!
Good luck for the new season.
Oh Dark Thirty in the northern hemisphere must equate to getting up at Stupid O'clock in the southern hemisphere.
Things must be hopping at SPK.
The dogs will be so excited!
Go Aliy Go.
Wonderful post!!!
It is so exciting to know that the dogs know it is just about that time…
Thanks ever so much – WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!
We are enjoying the crisp mornings in the Adirondacks as well! Shorter days and cooler temps….a sure sign of fall!! Wish I was there to help with the chores….I got up at dark thirty today for the sole purpose of heading out for a PawTrek Scooter trek with Chemo in the lead! Can't wait to see how the youngsters do in fall training!
The dogs will love it, once they get into that routine……The worker bees……,not so much. It IS going to be a GREAT season!!!! Best wishes from Delaware. HAW!
I was wondering if Olivia will become an all star ? She is my favorite dog.
Ditto on the wish I could help! National Dog Day on the 26th
but SP Dogs are SPECIAL every day! Thanks for the info and excited
about the season!
Impressive work on the essayist's part.
getting excited!!