The middle of July is a popular birthday time for SP Kennel.
The Olympics turned ONE on July 24th. Congrats to our youngsters: Gold, Prata and Bronze. These three are all legs, attitude and energy right now. Prata and Gold antagonize each other constantly – what do you expect from our youth – and Bronze is the cuddly, sweetheart.
The Five Pups turned THREE on July 15th. They had a rough start as infants but they are dynamite group now. Rodney, Ginger and Five live on one of the wooden raised platforms due to their ‘rock chewing’ tendencies. Ernie and Scooby live in the main yard. Here is the platform with (left to right) Ginger, Rodney, Spark and Five. (Izzy is photo bombing under Ginger’s tail.)
Note: Five’s ugly dog house! Dog house pressure washing and painting chores don’t start until mid September.”
The Fire Litter are FOUR as of July 21st. These core dogs are ready to start the Mushing Season: Amber, Chena, Commando, Daisy, Nomex, Spark, Tinder, Torch and Violet. Tinder’s sponsor Marilyn was at SP Kennel on his birthday and we celebrated with a dog walk (below).
WOOF WOOF WOOF!!! Thanks so much for this wonderful birthday news!!!
What an amazing post – Happy Birthday to all doggies born in July and thank you Marilyn for obviously finding Chena's special spot for pets!!! Great so see Spark on deck, too!
I see the 3 musketeers (Commando, Tinder and sister Chena) still seem like best buds and the WOW GIRLS Amber and Violet are closer than ever!!!
And don't the FIVE guys and Ginger pictured look awesome! Glad to see the Olympics growing up!!!
What a treat, thanks again!!! WOOF!!!
Hope Ginger shared her birthday treats with her brothers and bffs!
Happy Birthday to all. These dogs look so good.
Happy Birthday to all the July babies!! It certainly looks like they all are enjoying their birthday month! Best, Metta
And a very special birthday celebration it was! Enjoyed celebrating with the Fire Litter. Thanks for a great visit, Aliy.
Happy BDay everyone!! My goodness they grow up fast….in a blink of an eye they go from puppies to Sled Dogs!! Born to run of course…..lots of fun runs on the walks during the summer…..great way to spend a Bday!
Happy Birthday to all ,but especially to our favorite guy FIVE! Maybe for his birthday he could have his house painted?!! LOL!!! (Just kidding!!!!!!!). Extra scratches from us are good too!
Happy birthday Amber, Chena, Coal, Commando, Daisy, Hotshot, Nomex, Spark, Tinder, Torch and Violet.

Happy birthday Gold, Prata and Bronze.
Happy birthday Rodney, Ginger, Five, Ernie and Scooby.
We expect some exciting things from all of you competing this upcoming season.
Happy Birthday to all the July litters! Hard to believe the Fire
Litter is 4 already. All look so good. Great job SPK!
The Five (Surfivers) and the Olympic litters are special faves of mine and it is a huge thrill to see them grow up and become special dogs. I hope to see the Five especially doing more great things this season. As soon as the fandom opens, I'll be jumping in to support my faves–one in each of the past four litters. It is still summer but fall is coming! Thanks for sharing the birthday kids with us.
I am a five litter fan I also hope four years old is torches time to be a sled can't wait to see him race in the iditarod