Break-up means a few different things here at the kennel.
Spring break-up on a fast track in Two Rivers with the snow nearly all melted. The yard has been very damp and “Mud season” is upon us. Allen has a water pump draining various lowland sections of the yard so that everyone has a dry spot to spend the sunny afternoons.
Break up also means our crew has dispersed around the globe. Ruth has returned home to Norway to her husband and dogs. As she reports, winter still has a hold of northern Scandinavia. Chris is now living above Juneau on a glacier for another summer introducing tourists to the love of dog sledding.
Ruth and Chris enjoy a final evening together at SP Kennel with Springtime cocktails.
Moira is now home in New Zealand after taking a few days to visit Oklahoma City to watch some NBA basketball (as the Thunder’s starting centre is a Kiwi!) She is now beginning yet another season of winter!
Moira cheers for the one and only Kiwi playing in the NBA.
Aliy and Allen are currently in the lower 48 visiting with family. They left the kennel for a week in the trustworthy hands of Wendy and Wes; as well as good friends and hard workers: the Earle Girls. Thank you guys for “holding down the fort”.
Break-up also means that activity here on the DogLog will slow down. Thanks for being with us through this racing season, we have enjoyed bringing you coverage of racing and training. There is one more “Aliy Cam” video from the 2017 Race and she is also working on a long over due ‘Race Recap’.
We will try to bring you some interesting happenings from around the kennel and elsewhere over the summer. Keep checking back occasionally to see what we are up to, and remember, everything ramps up again in September and October!
Thank you for keeping us up to date throughout a terrific season. May you and your wonderful dogs enjoy a great "off-season"!
Best of everything to the team members (2017-2018) 2 and 4-legged divisions!!!
Only four months to go before training season begins!!!
We all know what goes on in the 4-legged group – play play play!!! Also some other activity for a lucky couple or two or three…
And this time I'm going to read and RE-READ (multiple times) every single word of Red Team "race re-cap" novella by Red Team leader.
Thanks Wes and Wendy and the Earle Girls!!!
Thank you for keeping us friends and fans in the loop through another exciting and successful racing season. It means so much! I will keep eyes and ears perked for possible puppies and other special events during the off season and count the days and weeks until I can again "fan" my favorites and hopefully join one or both teams for the 2017-18 season. I am sure you all know that you do a great job and how much you are admired, respected and loved for all you do. Still, I have to say it again anyway! Heartfelt. Woof, woof, hoowwlll!
Nice picture of Ruth and Chris having a celebratory cocktail to end the season.
The videos have been very enjoyable. As I've said before, I'm fascinated by coastal Alaska and the fact that a lot of the race is on sea ice. Looking forward to the last video.
And Moira, we here in the OKC area
Kiwi Steven Adams. I'm so glad you got to visit OK and go to a Thunder game. That's awesome! We are very proud to have a pro basketball team and we are very loyal fans. Steven Adams is a fan favorite! I hope you enjoyed your time here.
Wishing all in SPK land a great summer. Looking forward to hearing of arrival of puppies, hopefully!
Thanks for the end of the season update. I really enjoyed following your season as well as being a small part of it in January. Travel safe, have fun during the summer and I'll look forward to tracking SP Kennel during the next season.
Hope you all enjoy your time off. Thank you for all the information, it is just great fun to follow you and the things that happen around this incredible life!! Hope the dogs get good and rested too!!
I see the Nenana Tripod is still standing…must be awesome to hear and see the rivers break up! Nothing can stop spring from happening. Us Dog Log Fans sure enjoyed the season….you all did such a great job keeping us informed…..THANK YOU!! I'm already looking forward to next season….and news about puppies….that always brings a smile!!
Thank you for everything. We will be right here when you come back and whenever you are ready, we are ready too.
A Big Thankyou

for keeping us fans happy enjoy the the down time look forward to the summer season posts and revisiting past highlights . A big pat to our Fan dog Daisy and hope all the doggies have a great fun filled Summer 

Cheers from Denali the Golden Retriever and Joanne from Melbourne, Australia
Everyone ~ have a great season "off"
Its been another wonderful year following along with SPK. Thanks for including us!
Hope Allen and Aliy aren't visiting Arkansas right now. They may have webbing between their toes when they get back to Alaska :).