There is so much to catch you all up on but right now Mark and I need to get down the the finish line and set up the truck ready to greet our teams. At this stage Allen is still in second place but just barely with Paige Drobny with her fantastic looking team just about on him and Michelle Phillips bearing down fast also. It will be a sprint finish and we’re excited to watch it unfold.
Once both teams are in we will give them a big dinner and lots of snacks, all body massages including feet and will settle dogs and mushers into bed.
Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram, I may post directly there until I get the chance to post something with a bit more detail.
Thanks Moira….have been watching this unfold all day. Whew!
Holy moly! Who needs fingernails. Mine are bitten off@
Thanks Moira. Go SPK
Go Violet!

Something happened around mile 273 – he was stuck there for a while and has been very slow since. This race has taken its toll on some of the most experienced racers with the strongest teams.
I hope the injuries will be soothed and healed by YQ1000 and YQ300 or we could have even more youngsters up to bat on those teams.
I will be interested to read their notes of the trail and their comments.