I have carried a hand held video camera on the race for years now. Honestly, I don’t always think “Gez, this is gorgeous… I need to take a video!” But, I really did try to capture some amazing portions of the Iditarod Trail this year.
There are 13 videos in the ID: AliyCam 2016 Series.
We all have moments out there when our minds drift this way, or that. Here I am pondering the absolute lack of humanity in this part of Alaska. I don’t know if “rural” is the correct terminology but that’s what came out.
The amazing fact about this area of Alaska is that many years ago — when travel across our great state was more challenging than it is now — there were actually more people and more towns in this area. One hundred years ago, life was harder, but it didn’t matter to the men and women who mined gold and lived in and around Poorman or set up tents or cabins along many of the creeks the Iditarod Trail crosses today.
Pretty amazing to think about.
This is a very thoughtful video.
Everything you said was spot on – and I think Scout knew it, too!!!
IIRC, he is a guy of few words but perhaps now we might also classify him as a deep thinker.
Best always,
Sindy in Michigan
I think the dogs are always happy to hear your voice and to be with you. Me too. Thanks for yet another wonderful video along the trail.
I think this would be the most amazing adventure. But, as a non-athletic musician, of middle age…your Aliy Cam may be as close I ever get. Thanks for thinking of us when you're out there! We surely think of you.
It is amazing to think about those that settled in interior Alaska years ago (or at least tried to). We are a softer society these days I think, and I'm at the top of that list. You gotta love Scout. I'm thinking he was either perturbed that you were not quite as focused on the trail while filming…or he was trying to figure out if what you were saying pertained to him and the rest of the dog team. The dogs are so tuned in to you. Love it!
Whew, finally a smooth enough part of the trail to look around.

however, still bumpy and bare enough to challenge a sled.
Allen did some excellent work on the sleds to keep them together through all we've seen so far. I don't remember who mentioned their handlebar coming off, totally understandable!
Scout leading the team to Ruby? Good dogs!
How cool it must feel to mush through these ghost towns! I love the history of Alaska….and the old pictures of the freight sleds hauling in and out goods from the interior! Very cool! Thanks for the glimpses into "the past" on your travels….it is amazing these areas like Poorman, Iditarod and Cripple had so many inhabitants back in the day!
The dogs look fantastic as usual….trotting right along!
Besides the fact that moving down the trail with you is such a treat, getting to see these different areas of Alaska is amazing. Just places we would never have the opportunity to see.
Good dawgs!
Hearty souls, strong conviction and self reliance to live out this far in the boonies – amazes me!
Thanks for taking us on the journey,Aliy.