I have carried a hand held video camera on the race for years now. Honestly, I don’t always think “Gez, this is gorgeous… I need to take a video!” But, I really did try to capture some amazing portions of the Iditarod Trail this year.
There are 13 videos in the ID: AliyCam 2016 Series.
I look forward to the Blueberry Hills because it really grabs me with the realization that we have crossed the entire state of Alaska by dog team. It’s the first time that I can see the Bering Sea from my sled runners. That’s a far distance from the downtown streets of Anchorage. Thus, this spot is often a ‘Holy Cow’ moment.
This spot is also special because I stopped here – on the highest hill – in the year 2002. Back then, I left a small memento of a deceased friend who had introduced me to long distance racing. So every year since then, I speak to him when we mush by. I usually tell him how it’s going: great, good, poor, so/so, etc. Over the years, I have told him a lot of different things!
Good boy, Scout!!!
Thanks so much for this video of Bay (Norton Sound?), Meet Ocean (Bering Sea?)!
Some years when the AliyCAM reported from "Blueberry Hills" there has been a whole lot more snow and ice pack, perhaps, which in some ways obscured it, or distracted me from noticing, this fact!
Wow, what a difference with the low snow! I wouldn't have imagined the dense brush either. Thanks for taking us to see so much of Alaska this year Aliy!

It's really nice to hear you having an enjoyable moment in the Blueberry Hills too!!!
Good boy Scout!
very beautiful indeed, has to really be tough on your runners with no snow as we have seen in the past years. I wonder if any of trail conditions are shared before the event starts. Of course things change as the weather changes too. Schmoe still watching out and looking around.
Wow….that's a ribbon of trail through the Hills!! How gorgeous is that!! What a feeling it must be to travel along looking west at Norton Sound knowing you just traversed across Alaska by Dog Team…..16 times at that!! I remember reading the Blueberry Hills is your favourite part of the trail, minus the 2014 trek when you pulled your hamstring along the trail here. Very sweet about honouring your friend at the height of land….a special moment you must look forward to each year.
Thanks for all these wonderful videos, Aliy. Played full screen I feel like I'm there with you. AHolt
When you reached the to of the hill and there was the ocean in front of you…WOW! The hills were pretty, but the Ocean view was very nice! And yes, we need to keep the crashing videos to a minimum, LOL! Thanks for this video, I will watch it often just to see you reach the top of the hill with Ocean in view.
Very nice to see the beauty you see Aliy! Thanks for sharing
with your fans the journey of 2016. Blueberry Hill and Dalzell
Gorge are my favorite. Thanks so much SPK!
I don't recall seeing the downhill portion before, with the view out to the ocean. I always think of the Blueberry Hills as being like the first part of the video, with more snow. I knew by watching the tracker and looking at the contours you climbed a ways, then headed down to the spit and Shaktoolik, but actually seeing it – wow.
No wonder the Blueberry Hills are such a favorite of yours. It is so beautiful. I imagine you had a lot to tell your friend this year. Traveling across Alaska by dog team is such a fantastic feat. Thanks so much for taking us along this year.