The Red Team is in White Mountain! One more eight hour rest then they are on their way home to Nome.
The team made great time here from Elim, making the 46 mile run over in 6 hours, 21 minutes. They will leave for Nome at 11.45pm and we can expect them to finish maybe 9-10 hours later.
We managed to get the live feed here in Nome (we had never managed to get it in Two Rivers!) and we enjoyed seeing the team come in then watch as Aliy fed them a mixture of kibble, cool water and, what we can figure as small chunks of poultry skins. They all ate hungrily which is awesome to see this far into the race. They are burning at least 10,000 calories during the day so need to replace it with good, high calorie kibble and fats. We also saw the vet team giving each dog a thorough examination.
Screen shot from Insider Live – Willie gets his vet exam (thanks Margaret for sending me this!)
The next thing Aliy will do after their initial meal is to get the straw down, remove booties and give everyone a nice massage. Then she will leave them alone to sleep until about two hours before take-off when she will feed them again, walk each of them around to stretch-out then start her exit chores (booties, packing sled etc).
Aliy will also want some sleep so once the dogs are situated she will get some food for herself then take a nap.
Allen and the Black Team are resting in Shaktoolik and will likely head out in the next hour or so.
Way to go Aliy! I loved watching all the activity. Can't wait to see the team cross the finish line in Nome. Wish I could be there, but I will be cheering from Oregon. ~Meredith
GO ALIY GO!! Loved watching you getting your team settled.
Rest, Red Team….and then go, team, go! Can't wait to see you reach Nome and the burled arch.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you! It aint over till its over.
I hope this is your year. Good luck and fair trails with a following wind.
You can do it.
Allan must be a hell of a man. Wish I had met him before I left Alaska.
Rooting for you and the dogs.
I am not going to say what I think about the issue on the trail.
Chris K
Enjoy a well deserved rest!!!!
Just watched the live feed video again and it is so much better than the actual live feed. What a treat this was to see the feeding ritual in action. They looked all looked so good. Also really cool to see the vets check the dogs. On the earlier live feed broadcast around noon AST they indicated that in White Mountain all dogs & mushers (I think) are drug tested. I didn't know that.
I am so incredibly proud of Aliy! Her recovery from her trauma…at least for the running of the balance of the race… has been incredibly inspirational. I have been a fan…which means I don't know her personally…but I admire her tremendously. I am so happy to have strong women like Aliy to be models for my granddaughter. All the best!
Aliy you are amazing!
For the second time all race I managed to catch the live arrival of the Red Team!!!
It was a riot as someone else has already noted, that Joe Runyan was awed by how polite the Red Team members were – not fighting over food or being difficult with the vet team!
Isn't it true that dogs in general pick up the tone of their humans?
And the Red Team has magnificent etiquette!!!
So true Margaret!
Awesome and exciting update!

Dutch Chipper Kodiak Mismo Scout Chemo Willie Izzy Waylon Scruggs Schmoe Sandy Commando and Super Hero Aliy, rest rest rest and go go go SPK!
One last RUN!
Allen, still with 56 paws to bootie! WOW!

Way to go Black Team, enjoy your run to Koyuk.
Still awesome, amazing and soooo admirable!! Joe Runyan raved about Aliy and goodness knows she deserves it as well as her fine dogs that learn from her and Allen!! Their manners are terrific–just like Mom and Dad!!
Go Aliy and Red Team. Beemer and Viper are excited too as they watch the race on the big screen. Keep the wind at your back…go…go…go
That was great seeing her feed the Team….they seemed to like it! Now for the last push and then a BIG long rest! Nicely done Red Team!
Ditto to Meredith's commentary – & cheering from New Mexico.
Loved watching you care for your dogs! YOu are so awesome! Good luck on the rest of the race!!!
I waited by the tracker for several hours today and then in the distance a black dot appeared on my screen. As it got closer, it became the Red Team! It has been so exciting to follow Aliy and the Red Team during the race. Each morning, I wake up and think that while I've been cozy in my bed all night, Aliy and Allen have been outside in the cold, running with their dogs. It must really be something special to have that experience.
I'll be watching again in the morning and look forward to seeing Aliy and the Red Team cross the finish line in Nome. I wish them a great run tonight. Then my attention will turn to the Black team. I'm looking forward to seeing Quito again in Nome.
You are my hero! I have been every moment possible from start to White Mountain and to still be in 4th place after what happened on the trail is amazing. Only the strongest could do that! I wish I could be in Nome to see you cross the finish line!
The live feed video of Aliy and team in White Mtn was the BEST gift! Awesome to see what Aliy does when she first comes into a checkpoint she plans to stay in for a bit. And I agree with Margaret, I got all puffed up when Joe described Aliy, her attitude, her relationship with her dogs and how well the dogs listen to her. WOW! I'm so proud of SP Kennel.
Rest then go, go, GO Aliy and Red Team. Have a great run 'home'!! So admire your determination, skill and the love you show your dogs. Enjoy this last stretch – TEAM ALIY!!
It will be fantastic to see you cross the finigh line in Nome, Aliy. A very special treat. Thanks for keeping us updated Moira. Allen keep giving the youngsters a fine experience. SPK is the best.
sending big hugs, have a safe journey to Nome, it was amazing how your team waited so patiently for their food at white mt, what a great relationship you have with the team. Go girl
Maureen from Vancouver Island
Ditto to all the above comments a very proud follower and supporter of SK Kennels . Got home from work and sat down and watched the replay of the live feed of Aliy coming in to White Mountain . It was terrific , both Aliy and Allen are such great role models and inspirations. Can't wait to watch them both come into Nome a proud moment for all of the SP Kennel team and supporters.
and Joanne , Melbourne , Australia . 
