Sebastian has posted lots of fantastic pictures of the Red Team coming into and leaving Shaktoolik.
Check out them out here and here but I’ve copied a couple that show the whole team.
A few miles outside Skaktoolik
You are getting very good at identifying the dogs!! To confirm, she left Shak with Scout in single lead. She’s put the wise old head in front to get them through the windy and challenging stretch ahead. Behind him in swing and back him up are Scruggs and Chipper, then she has Dutch running with Chemo, Willie with Izzy, Mismo and Waylon, Schmoe and Kodiak with Sandy and Commando in wheel.
It looks very much to us like it was Felix that she left in Unalakleet. We have not had official confirmation of that and we do not know why yet so we’ll let you know more details as they come.
The white gear she and Allen wear is wind protection that fits over all their other gear and takes the edge off the wind. You will see some of the dogs, particularly at the front end, are also wearing their wind jackets. The blue Matson jackets are a thinner, lighter weight wind protection so they don’t get too hot but it cuts the wind. There are a couple of the shorter haired dogs (we’re looking at YOU Waylon) wearing a warmer puff jacket that will cut the wind and keep them warm.
Zachariah Hughes from Alaska Public Radio got a couple of pictures of the Black Team in Galena. Check out his Twitter feed to see more great pics from the trail. Thanks to those of you who alerted me to these!
Sooooo glad you posted this. We had it narrowed down to Felix or Kodiak because I could never quite get that dog on the westward side (one up from wheel) in a good view.
They look good and she looks good and we are very tired from not sleeping in order to watch their progress.
The black team is really poring it on!
Thanks so much for these pix of the Black Team and their Musher as he and Dr. Chena go on rounds (top pic) – "Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning."
Or perhaps Chena asking "How about if we warm up your kibble and add a bit more wet stuff – it is really yummy that way."
Allen is obviously giving his Vince Lombardi pep talk to wrapped (pun) attention of the team…
Thanks for the updates, and feeling a lot better seeing them go go go!!!
I can just hear Scout saying, "Okay, I got this!"
What great pictures – thank you! Go Red Team! Go Black Team! GO SP Kennel! Thank you for the updates.
Thank you for all the IDs.

I should have known only Scout could look that serious.
Do you want to sing before we leave, or do we just hit the trail?
Everybody is looking great.
Excellent work Aliy and Allen, taking care of soooo many teammates.
Aliy and Allen, I know you will read this long after the race is over. I want to tell you that I am a long time fan who got interested in the Iditarod because of your website. I think that you two are such nice people. One of the videos said that Aliy spent time with the fans as usual. I know you had a lot on your mind, as you do every year, and yet you took the time to be with the fans. I've also heard that Allen takes the time to help the newer mushers. I hope one day to be able to meet you and your dogs.
We scoured through the photos too and deducted it was Fellx who was missing…..I had it narrowed down between Izzy and Felix but then saw the distinct widows peak of Izzy and so it had to be Felix. It appears the dogs on this Team can run in multiple positions….probably a good thing for flexibility purposes! I loved seeing Scout up front as her Coast Leader!! Such an amazing sled dog!!
Thanks so much for the Black Team pics….I didn't realize how much I missed seeing them!!
It's good to see the black team. They really are moving along nicely. The future looks good. The blue Matson jackets look sharp too.
I'm worried about Aliy. I've never seen her stop between SHA and KUY before.
Thanks for the pictures of the black team and Allen . Denali
and Jo
Def. Second @ town's & Nessmuck's annotations….thanks Moira & all the ground control team…
Sebastian is soooo wonderful!!!
More pics of Aliy
Scout good boy. You can lead this team into Nome. Thanks for the pictures. It is great to get some pictures of Allen & Black team. Aliy keep doing what you love to do, we are with you all the way to the moon and back. Know that you loved, admired, and appreciated. Go SPK.
Great to see the Black Team and the status board shows them in 28th place; that is one awesome senior and junior team, folks!!! Go SPK BLack; you are all winners! Kewl blue jackets too!!
Dispatch News
Mercy! I hope Aliy knows, we all know she always gives her best.
Aliy, you are a force!
I am *always* looking at Waylon! I love how you care for each member of the team, and all of us too.
Aliy, it matters more that you have always been a wonderful sportsman(woman!), your love for the great place we call home, your most dedicated fans, and most of all your true connection with your teammates. I love following you for who you are, and watching the grace and dignity you lend to the sport. No matter what happens along the trail, never, never, never lose the light inside you that makes your spirit shine.
It sure is nice to see both teams in pictures especially Allen
right now as he is a bit further back. Nice speed on the runs
tho. Good Luck on the coast as it looks nasty. Run Dogs Run!
Thanks for all you and your crew does for us fans–don't know
how you do it!! Go SPK!!!!