After a short 1.5 hour rest in Elim, Aliy and her 13 mates are on the way to White Mountain and are currently sitting in fourth. She has Scout and Mismo in lead with Scruggs in single swing.
Dutch and Waylon snuggle (Pic Sebastian Schnuelle)
Leaving Elim (Pic Sebastian Schnuelle)
The lead three are battling it out five or six hours ahead of her and are almost to WM. Wade Marrs is around 10 miles outside Elim and moving nicely. Once in White Mountain every team takes a mandatory eight hour stop before the final race to Nome.
This one is going to be a doozy and I can’t wait to watch it unfold! All have fantastic dog teams and to be so close together after so many miles, and all running quite different strategies is great for the race. It shows there is not just one way to get this thing done: not one training method markedly better than the other, season race schedule, size of dog team, longer runs vs shorter runs etc. It shows these mushers know what is best for THEIR dogs and have been able to do right by them. Of course, we have our favourites here, as do you all, so this is going to be fun to watch.
The Race Map lists Golovin along the way between Elim and White Mountain but it is not an official checkpoint. Supplies/drop bags are not sent ahead there but the teams do pass through the village before getting back onto the sea ice. Aliy often stops for a few minutes to greet the villagers sign a few autographs.
What I loved to read this morning in Sebastian’s column was that he and the vet team in Elim say the dogs are looking great. That Aliy has kept this team together, happy and healthy is incredible although not surprising. They have been her sole focus since the start of the race and they are her best friends!
Evidently Aliy wanted a short 30 minute sleep at the checkpoint. She is a master at getting comfortable anywhere to rest – I once saw her asleep on a wood pile by the stove in a checkpoint during the Copper Basin 300 one year! She will have slept well and fast in Elim and got back on the trail efficiently.
Allen rested the team just over six hours in Unalakleet and they are right now working their way up the windy coast to Shaktoolik. They are moving nicely and if it is not too windy to enjoy it, they will be experiencing a gorgeous sunrise over the coast this morning!
When the team leaves Shaktoolik there is a Dog Fan Club draw for a signed Shak drop bag! Be in to win!
I love Sebastian's pics. I'm so thankful he can be in such remote areas.
I took last night and the next few days off work, so I could stare at the tracker till I go blind, but….
LOL, I even called around to see if others had power… no luck.
I'm back, and don't want to miss another moment.
Allen's team looks excellent, heading up the map to Shaktoolick.
Like you said, Aliy's team appears to have a very strong 4th place position heading to White Mountain!!! Of course, it isn't over till it's over.
I agree, it is so unbelievable that Aliy has her team in this position at this point. A rebuilding year? I terrifying ordeal halfway!!!!

Aliy is a FORCE!
Aliy is a Super Hero.
Impressive woman, simply impressive and unbelievable!!!
Thank you for the FANtastic Update.
Thanks for the update. I saw the photos of the team and thought that Scruggs wanted to run lead or at least wanted a better view while running. Might get a little tiring to see tail as you go down the trail.
I am getting excited for the finish, should be a good one to have 3 teams within an hour, with Aliy right behind. Any guesses on when to watch tomorrow?
Allen's team is moving right along. Quito, Nacho, Lester and Sissy are probably saying we're almost there to the younguns.
Aliy! Aliy! Aliy!
Go Allen!
To A-town's Becky: This is why I have a whole house generator! Never miss a second of the Iditarod Insider! Or the Yukon Quest tracker!
What a great race and finish this will be. Joe Runyan said 7-8 hours from White Mtn depending on weather. Dallas break is up at 9:48pm plus 7 equals a 4am-ish wake up call! At this point I wish them all a happy, healthy finish.
But of course, Go Aliy Go!
Quick story on my first meet with Nomex. I had to ask him not to take it personally when I was the handler to hold him while his temp was being taken at the dog drop lot here at the hotel! He was a good dog looking at me with his beautiful eyes, like "really, how many times they gotta check that?" Hope I get to meet up with Clyde and Felix today! (Maybe not in that same manner?)
Dawn E, keep us posted on Clyde and Felix. Fingers crossed that you get to meet them.
thanks for all the wonderful updates, Go Aily Go, it is going to be an exciting finish that is for sure.
I'm really proud of Aliy holding the team together; it's great to hear that they all look so good. Hang in there, Aliy!
Thanks so much for this update!!!
I'm so glad we are taking tomorrow off to watch them all file into Nome! This has been an awesome SP Kennel transition year!
So nice to have Sebastian's photos. Pups look great. Aliy's perseverance goes so far beyond the word AMAZING. Such an inspiration person.
Can't wait to see more photos of Allen and the Black team as well!!
Aliy has run a fantastic race and wherever she finishes, she and the Red Team are True Winners!! It is sad the incident at Nulato cost her four hours–that could make a lot of difference now but it is what it is. She has shaped up a great team, carried on under adversity, and will race again for sure. SPK is #1 in so many ways. Much love to her and each of those wonderful dogs. And to Allen and the Black Team as well. XLNT in every respect!!!
Great pic of Dutch & Waylon. I started to say cute pic, but that's almost an insult to these elite, seasoned canine athletes.
Aliy is running a great race and taking care of the dogs so well. She has so much to be proud of in this race. its a big day tomorrow. I'll be watching from work so hopefully I can see it all happen live.
Any guesses of when Allen will make it to Nome?
Dallas break is up at 5:48…not 9:48 (oh but wouldn't that error help Aliy) Sorry, I keep working times with my home time in Texas. Recalculating!!! Wonder if I could volunteer as the Seavey and Sass alarm clocks…hmmm
this video of Aily going through Golovin posted on Iditarod visitor page
Thanks! Enjoyed this. Aliy's the best.
I brought a class here from Denver University and we head to Nome for one day tomorrow, hoping to yell for Aliy, or at least be there in spirit for when she does cross the line. Love to see these dogs looking so good.
I'm climbing the walls. Aliy should be pulling into White Mountain any time now. Where is she? Anyone have the GPS feature turned on?
Oh Aliy, you have my deepest respect and admiration and so does your amazing dogs!!! You are a true champion of the 2016 Iditarod and so are our beloved dogs that comprise the Red Team!!!
You guys are simply the BEST!!!
Much love from Vermont!!!
I can only echo all those comments above. There are few words adequate enough to express the admiration and respect I have for Aliy. I think I've said this before, but it bears repeating. She truly is the consummate athlete; her mental attitude is extraordinary, and the unending love and compassion she has for her teammates is "beyond awesome." The fact that the Red Team is a young team and that Aliy has kept them and herself together amazes me.
If I've learned nothing else about The Iditarod, I've learned that "it's not for sissies!" Without a doubt, this year's race has proved that.
It goes without saying that it would be spectacular to see a Red Team win, they are already winners to me.
Live II video cut out quite a bit, but from what I saw
ALIY, Dutch, Chipper, Kodiak, Mismo, Scout, Chemo, Willie, Izzy, Waylon, Scruggs, Schmoe, Sandy and Commando ALL look FANTASTIC!!!

Rest and eat well in WM Red Team.
I hope you all saw the live feed from ID with Aliy feeding her dogs in White Mountain. I think I did a decent job of picking out the dogs, but I went back and forth on some of them. Joe Runyan commented on how well mannered the dogs were, not squabbling, waiting patiently for food. They were eating so well and it was a happy scene. I hope the ID will post that video later. I'd like to see it again.
I'm not sure that there is anyone for whom I have more respect. I hope that all of you at SPK have felt our love and respect. I thought it was an honor to meet Aliy two years ago and to have had that touch point and watch her grace and determination now is just incredible. Thank you for setting such a wonderful example AGAIN!
Charlene & Lisa
Erie PA
What an exciting finish to this race. Aliy you are amazing & phenomenal. The red team reflects you as well. What fantastic race you have put together- even with what you encountered at Nulato. What a super musher you are.
Go Allen & Black team.