Yesterday, Bridgett and Mark drove with precious cargo back to Fairbanks. They stopped a couple times along the way to let everyone out to pee and they had a lunch break near Beaver Creek.

Lunch break at Beaver Creek

Sights along the Alaska Highway

All the dogs are now in the dog barn at home and will get a couple days off. Aliy will then take them for a couple of short, slow stretch-out run to get them moving again to loosen up joints and muscles before starting to build their mileage back up ready for their next race.

7 Responses

  • Thanks so much for this on-the-road check in set of pix!!!

    What magnificent views – in Alaska, besides the color and variety of nature you have…the vastness of it all!!!

    Woof, woof, woof!!!



  • Well deserved rest for the Fab Fourteen who made this great race. I predict we will be cheering for most of them many more times in the coming year and years. Lots of treats and rubs for them!!

  • Great spot for lunch break,dogs look like they are enjoying it. Great scenery. Welcome back to Two Rivers. Aliy keep getting the A team ready.

  • Great pictures. You actually saw goats?! The times I have been to Alaska, I've only seen them from afar. Thanks for sharing the picture. And thanks for sharing your journey. I always look forward to whatever anyone posts on the blog.

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