Who is the Crew at SP Kennel this season?
The Crew here is always an awesome dedicated bunch of folks. Many have become our very dear friends. Usually when I first talk to someone about helping at SP Kennel, I say: “We are happy people and have happy dogs here. If you don’t think you will fit in that mold, we are probably not for you.”
Over the last few years, we have had awesome people helping us — honestly, more than helping — they are SP Kennel!
The full-time SP CREW for 2015-2016 Season:
Still here:
Aliy and Allen
We are older, not much wiser, and still dedicated to SP Kennel.
This coming season will be Allen’s sixth Yukon Quest and ninth Iditarod. He loves mid distance races as well. Allen also holds the kennel together: buildings, vehicles, sleds, Aliy, you name it.
This Iditarod will be my 19th 1,000 mile race. I can honestly say that my speciality is: D – O – G – S. (It’s possibly an addiction.) I am 100% dedicated to these awesome athletes. I spend most of my time thinking about how to better train them and make their lives more complete.
She is the primary Sponsorship Coordinator and Puppy Lover.
She holds the kennel management together. Thank goodness!
She is a computer guru and can have a cup of tea, chat on the phone and type 157 words a minute without looking at the key board. I usually sit in awe and watch. (I type with 4 fingers.)
Moira lives part time in New Zealand and part time at “Moira’s Mansion” at SP Kennel.
Wes & Wendy
When their jobs don’t have them camped out in Washington DC, Nepal, Burma, Afghanistan or the Sudan, you will find them at their home just down the road from SP Kennel in Two Rivers. Thirteen year old SP Kennel retiree, Tony, lives with them. Wendy is currently teaching the Coffee Litter to pee, poo and play. She is three for three!
Wes and Wendy love the dogs (and put up with Aliy and Allen well enough).
They could run the show at SP Kennel and come to think of it — they have!!
New to the Kennel:
Chris is new to sled dog racing, but not new to sled dogs. He has been involved with tour operation kennels for several years. He found himself in Alaska for the first time this summer and thought he’d try a winter.
Chris is enthusiastic and ready to run dogs all the time. (Good thing because he will!)
He and “Green Dog” live in the Handler Cabin at SP Kennel.
Spencer and his three dogs moved into Fairbanks to attend University of Alaska Fairbanks. Personally, we hope he finds his way into the new Veterinary Program! (Hint. Hint.) There are a few pooches out here who would appreciate Dr. Egbert.
Meghan now works for our competition, Wild And Free. She has decided to be heavily involved in sled dog racing this season. When you see her name on the Musher Sign Up lists, she will not be racing for us.
We are VERY excited about the season and what’s in store for the SP Kennel Crew. Thank you SP Kennel Crew (past, present and future) for your time, your effort and your love of our dogs. You guys make us who we are!
Great crew. Thanks to all past & present. And welcome to Cris. It takes a happy, functioning "crew" to win races. Go SPK, have a very successful year. Thanks for great writeup.
Thanks for the update. Welcome Chris!
Now more anxious than ever for the season to start.
Welcome Chris!! It certainly takes a crew to raise some awesome sled dogs! I envy Wendy's job…puppies are the best!! And when it comes down to the special touches to make being an SPK Fan extra fun with friendly competitions and Fan Club Draws you can't beat Crew Member Moira! Without this Crew Aliy and Allen would have a hard time concentrating on Training….sounds like another well oiled, fun loving and happy SPK machine for the race season!
Ditto!!! Woof, woof, woof!!!!
Oh my, Meghan and Brent!
Allen, Aliy and Chris, I guess there isn't any doubt…
the Quest will be quite exciting this year.
I hope you and the pups are all up for the wonderful challenge!
What an excellent team at SPK.

Love you all, two footeds and four footeds. Awesome team!
Not sure if I replied to this earlier, but in any event, wishing the SP Kennel Crew 2015-2016 all the best, 2-legged as well as 4-legged team members.
Getting my racing outfits out for proper cheering technique, including both Red and Black Rally Caps to be turned around toward the end of races!!!
Woof, woof, woof!!!
What a great kennel crew! Thanks for the update.
It's great to see the crew and put a face to everyone. Posting the kennel crew really drives it home that racing season is just around the corner. Exciting times!
Very, very best of all fortunes, for a safe, healthy & winning season!
Welcome Chris! You are in for a great ride with the SPK dogs that
us fans really love. Thanks for the update. Really excited for
the season to start!
Go go SPK. Happy dogs, happy all. That about says it! I feel like I belong to SPK, thousands of miles away with the job of inviting as many people as possible be touched by your work and dedication there. Thank you Moira, Wes, Wendy and Chris – you are the glue that holds us all together in this happy community of SPK lovers.
Thanks for taking in Chris. We are kind of partial to him and our grand-dog Green.
Steve & Bridget Parker