The Dog Box Artist has taken over the SP Kennel garage!

Construction in underway on a new dog box. This luxury 20-Dog hauler will be in commission this coming Mushing Season on the flatbed of “Hollywood” (the Kennel Ram 2500 Pick Up Truck.) After engineering the “perfect dog box”, the Dog Box Artist, also known as Doug, has been diligently cutting, gluing, screwing, routering and sanding various parts and pieces. His diligence on the project has several times gotten in the way lunch breaks, cocktail hour and the occasional golf game (gasp!) In other words… he is thoroughly dedicated!

The finish date for the final product is September 26th. No pressure Doug!

THIS (above left) is supposed to fit on THIS (above right).

Everyone is a critic! L-R: Rambler inspects the boxes for “comforting rating”; Allen talks about storage areas dimension.

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