According to the GPS tracker, Allen and his team mates have left White Mountain on their final run towards Nome.

I’ve been waiting for the current standings to update to tell us his leaving time and whether he has all 14 team mates with him but I guess they’re a little behind so we’ll catch up with that information hopefully soon.

This last run is about 73 miles and the team will travel on the Fish River for a short time then go overland, crossing rolling tundra and several streams (some of which are reported to have overflow i.e. wet). They then climb a series of ridges to 400ft Topkok then drop to the coast. They will run along the beach for a time before reaching the Safety checkpoint and then follow the Safety-Nome council road to town. They have one last climb up Cape Nome then they run home.

We can’t tell you how excited we are to see them. It’s unlikely we’ll sleep much tonight as we watch the little green flag on the tracker progress towards us. We’ll be up early to ready their straw filled kennels at the dog lot, get their finishers’ steaks and kibble/meat meal ready and make some food for Allen.

Earlier today Ryne caught up with Allen for a short while in the checkpoint and asked him how it’s all going. Check out the video below. Before you watch it, take a guess at who his current two lead dogs are…

13 Responses

  • Go Chipper!! She IS just a lil thing alright but wow, awesome lil pup and appears to do well anywhere on the team!! Her and I along with Boondocks all bonded over a butt scratching session WAY back in Anchorage! Can't wait to see them finish in Nome!

  • Biggest SMILE on my face- I did guess CHIPPER! ohh goodness, she did so well at the YQ. I secretly told her she would run the Iditarod when I was with her just after the YQ. And WOW she is doing it well. yes she does run well in any position. she has great parents and Sibs. She IS a fine big girl sled dog now; on to NOME SP kennel. Thanks Allen and so much Ryne for the video and the insights to a trip we have taken a few times with our teams watching the green flags and reading Aliy's stories!
    Padee Santa Rosa CA

  • I agree, Allen looks pooped! but seems very pleased with the yahoos. I didn't guess right on the leaders either. Ryne sounds a bit like Aliy. Thanks everyone for the update on the Black Team!! I will be watching the tracker through the night and be ready for the LIVE Nome video.

  • Thanks, Ryne, for giving us a glimpse of the trail. Very informative. Different than I had imagined. I appreciate Allen sharing a minute with us. Also a treat to see Rohn and a peek at the inside of the checkpoint.

  • Thank you for the update.
    Thank you Ryne for the video.
    Allen looks great, and the route to Nome doesn't look anything like when you were racing.
    Thank goodness!

    Remember that?

    I think, like Black team's arrival in Shaktoolik, they got confused and missed Allen. They might have to rewind to see when he left. Check point volunteers are sleep deprived too.
    Go Black team, woohoo.
    Rocking the trail to Nome!

  • Hey Hey Padee – Your girl out in front and that is very cool.

    I think of Allen as funny, quietly determined, capable, loyal and no nonsense mostly. But I gotta say, in this video I thought he was downright cute.

  • Wow, almost there!!! Miss Chipper is emerging as quite the lead pup!!! Good girl Chipper⭐️
    Great race!!! Allen looks a little tired but very happy and proud of his team!!!⭐️🐾🐾🐾❤️💚💜💙💛

  • Allen your almost home with your team and you can still put sentences together!! That's pretty phenomenal in my book.
    What wonderful team …and look at Ms Chippee!! Thanks for the video Ryne and really liked you taking us outside to see the trail and talk us thru it.


  • Thanks so much for this lovely interview – nice that mushers have that sense of camaraderie!!!

    Wonderful news that all the 2 year old dogs plus Commando are doing great!!!



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