All is quiet here at the kennel this morning. It’s a warm 30F and the dogs are stretched out on their houses or on the cool snow enjoying the warmth of the sun. The humans are relaxing also. I’m not sure we’ll hear too much from Allen today.
Last night was exciting huh?
After watching Brent and his fantastic team cross the line, the crew had just over an hour to wait before we got to see our team coming down the river. We heard them coming before we saw them as there were so many people lining the river and the supporters around the bend started cheering when they saw them. It was a thrilling moment to watch the headlamp come closer then to see the dogs loping and trotting with wagging tails and animated expressions. What a nice sight! And so nice to be able to get our hands on the dogs! Since Dawson the handler crew has had to be “hands off” at checkpoints and that’s difficult when dogs you see every day wonder why you aren’t petting them, so we enjoyed giving our friends some love.
As soon as they crossed the line the dogs wolfed down their steaks and Allen spent time thanking each dog before talking to the crowd and media. The Quest Facebook page has a good video of the team crossing the line and Allen’s interview with Marty Steury, the YQ Executive Director – Alaska. One of the questions Allen was asked was “What happened between Two Rivers and Fairbanks?” Turns out, with so many trails in our neighborhood that lead to our kennel, the dogs got a bit confused about where they were going so Allen needed to coach them a bit through it. Once they got past, it was all good again and they were on their way but not before Brent had gotten past them.
A nice touch was as both teams cross the finish line the church bells rang out, I believe in tribute for George Attla who recently passed away.
Allen was amazed at the number of people out on the trails cheering the teams on, from the Two Rivers checkpoint, along Chena Hot Springs Road and at the Pleasant Valley Store then along the Chena River near the end and at the finish line. He said that is so good for the race and hopes it keeps getting bigger and bigger every year!
We’ll have more soon.
So proud of SP Kennels once again! I was worried about those trails not being an advantage. Congrats to ALLEN and Aliy on two great races!
Can't blame the pups for wanting to go home after running almost 1000 miles! That's one unfair advantage to being on "home turf" – the dogs know it so well that they know exactly how to get home! You guys did great!
There are no words that adequately describe the wonderful experience of being allowed to be involved with this phenomenal group of people. From the handlers, mushers, family, friends and the dogs themselves, I can't think of a better way to spend my time and energy, supporting them. Thank you for the updates, the experience and the opportunity to be involved.
Lol….I wondered if that's what happened….it's got to be a bit confusing for them…."home is right over the Allen….let's go"!! I love learning more and more about this race….the history, the tales from past races. This week when the passing of George Attla was announced I immersed myself in learning about his wonderful life. This sport has so much history surrounding it…always something to learn and pay tribute to! Great Race SPK…now on to the next one!!
You are both to be congratulated on great runs. Your entire kennel operation is one classy act.
Thanks so very much for this explanation of what happened, and very understandable. And thanks for the thrills, too!!!
In particular, the description of Schmoe, Scoor and Oulaw "howling with joy" as they reached the to of Eagle Summit was very touching!
So proud of all the 4-legged and 2-legged team members from SP Kennel, racers and support staff both, you guys are winners for sure!!!
Hooray! Mushers like Brent, Allen and Aliy are a big part of the growth of the sport!
Kudos to you all.
Thank you guys so much for this post!!! I was wondering how Allen and the Black Yeam were doing after such a tough race!!! I guess I shouldn't have done so, because I knew you were taking the very best care of the champions
Once again, awesome races both the YQ and the yQ300!
I love you all!!!
Love SP Kennel – rest and know that we are so proud of all of you!
Another great race SP Kennels. Grongrats.
I wondered how hard it would be for the handlers/support crew to not be able to pet and love up the dogs during the race. The 24 hour layover in Dawson is probably as enjoyable for the humans as it is for the dogs!
Great race. Looking forward to seeing Ryne make it to Fairbanks… and then we have the Iditarod, oh my!
I'm so happy people lined the river to cheer Allen and his team in. They so deserved that praise.
I wish I could have been there, and hope to be, some day
I rewound the tracker and watched Allen's path from Two Rivers to Fairbanks. Three times it looked like the team might have headed in the wrong direction and had to backtrack, not far before home. I wondered if the Team's over familiarity with the area was an issue. It also looked like they slowed down near home. Hey, aren't we there already?!!! Allen didn't we hear you talking to reporters about going HOME? We passed it, I think we're going the wrong way Allen :-/
Trail naps…
I think perhaps Joar passing by, woke Allen up on one of his early rests.
Wasn't that nice, they sent someone out on the trail to wake Brent up? I thought it might be Allen to wake him. I wonder if that would have changed anything.
No doubt Brent and his team benefitted from the much needed undisturbed sleep, hopefully he will remember that next time,
…but still not beat Allen or Aliy, LOL.
We love your unabashedly ,unapologetically SPK focused coverage, of these races!!!
We hope you don't mind our unabashed admiration.
Keep doin what you're doin.
Thank you SPK for allowing us to share the adventure with YOU. What an awesome privilege to be connected to such a great kennel, mushers, crew and not at all least the fantastic dogs. What an exciting race, I was wondering how Brent got ahead of Allen. Thanks for the explanation, very understandable. The bells ringing for George Attla what a nice touch. And now the Iditarod is going through his home town for the first time ever. How cool is that. Thanks again SPK for a great YQ.
Was wondering, like most folks, about the slow down and pass. Thanks for the explanation. What a lovely race and team this year. Hope everyone can recover nicely now to ready for the Iditarod, but first, of course, bask in the glow of the incredible run of the Quest.
It looks like team turned onto baseline and made it to within 1.3 miles of the kennel entrance!
Allen, How did you keep then moving toward Fairbanks after that?
I'm with you Puppet! Home sweet home, here I come! LOL.
What a challenge after so many miles!