Chica and Clyde’s puppies are running, romping and loving life. They live in a raised wooden pen that can be washed and scrubbed throughly. The pen has two houses and many puppy toys. Olivia resides next to this pen and she is the perfect auntie (‘half’ auntie genetically.) The pups often spend the daytime in one of the other SP “play pens” on the property.

Chica visits periodically, but does not nurse them. She likes to check that they are okay but she isn’t over concerned about being near them all the time.

This litter is very food motivated — which isn’t a shocker, considering Clyde “the food fanatic”– is their father. They come when called, especially when there are biscuits or a dish of food involved. Their daily walks are sometimes abbreviated when one of them thinks “Hey… there might be more food back at the kennel!” Then they all ‘high tail’ it back to their pen in hopes of finding a random piece of kibble.

We did Past Hasting’s 8 week old ‘Puppy Puzzle Tests’ last week. Each pup is looked at very critically in terms of personality, conformation and overall body structure. Since we don’t often sell or give away pups, these tests are simply for our in-house records. It is fun to look back on the tests years later.

Aliy looks at Ernie’s body structure (he is a miniature Beemer); Scooby wonders what all the fuss is about as Mickey takes notes.

We also took some 8 week Puppy Portraits. As you can imagine, these kids will change tremendously over the next few months, so we will update the portraits soon. But, here they are:

  L to R: Rodney: big loudmouth; Ginger: confident little girl; Scooby: a bit of a bully

  L to R: Ernie: real sweetheart; Five: a little sensitive.

13 Responses

  • Ohhhhh! What adorable pictures. I think I'm in love with Five! Good see pictures of Aily and Mickey as well! So much fun to see them grow (the puppies, that is!)

    Charlene and Lisa
    Erie, PA

  • Fabulous! I habe been hoping for more puppy pictures. I love the comments about each one of them. They are really growing into little characters. I love the update & post. Thanks so much.

  • Lol…I knew Scooby was gonna to be a bruiser!! They are all so cute! My what big ears you have Scooby!! I think Ernie's ears are going to go up too….if Five's ears stay down that will be a great way to tell them apart!! They look identical other than that little pink spot on Ernie's nose!! Thanks for the update…hope the Puppy Puzzle gave you some nice insight!

  • Those pups are simply wonderful!!! So happy to know that their health is fine and that they are growing fast and happy!!!
    Thank you so much for the update!

  • OOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Thanks so much for these!!!

    You are right – Sir Ernest Shakleton's soul-mate "Ernie" certainly is a ringer for Beemer!!!




  • I checked out "Puppy Puzzle" on Google, which took me to interesting background on the test – plus the top link, to Youtube video:

  • No fair! You drop the teaser about giving the puppies the 8 week test, but no information about how they did or what's involved.

    On the other hand, you provided me with a great search topic. I thought the name sounded familiar – she breeds dobermans and is a member of the DPCA.


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