During our spring sort-out we came across some of the booties from the “Sponsor a Bootie” fundraiser held during the Yukon Quest. All the “Bootie Funds” went directly toward the Quest organization. Each race team was asked to use these booties for the start in Fairbanks. We were allotted six booties with “Good Luck” slogans and well-wishes. One bootie said “Make us proud, Luke and Athena!” (Canine fans from Maryland.) Another bootie said “Good luck from Jade, Parker and Pearl! (English Setters from Michigan.) The booties all survived and found their way back to the kennel in Allen’s return bag from Two Rivers checkpoint.
The booties were worn by Nacho, Chemo and Puppet.
We’ve sent the booties back to the sponsors as a memento and a thank you for supporting the Yukon Quest.
What a fun way to support the YQ!! Puppet and Chemo look so cool sporting their bright lil booties!! Awesome that the booties made their way back to the Kennel and then back to the sponsors….great way to thank race fans!! SPK Rocks!!!
Why am I not surprised that Allen's bag was only just cleaned out from the Quest in Feb?… Can't wait to hear what he finds in his Iditarod bags next month!
Love and miss you all!!!
What a great way to reward your supporters! SPK is the very best.
OMG !!! Those pups look so very pretty in their orange booties!!!

Well, they look pretty no matter what the attire!!!
The best booties are not washed….get the real deal (ha,ha)
I have mine hanging in the study next to the computer…whewwww!