Every year it’s a three-way competition between Mother Nature, the dogs and the mushers. Most of the time, the dogs and the mushers are on the same side … but not this time!
Dogs are dogs. They like to dig, run around, bury bones and generally – act like dogs. This creates a yard full of holes with hidden bones, holes with out hidden bones (hey.. where’d it go?), holes with poop, holes with rocks, holes with anything that seemed like a good idea to bury at the time. Therefore by the end of September the yard resembles a exploded mine field.
The Top Five Hole Producers of 2013 are: (drum roll please…)
L-R: Fang; and the winner is… Tatfish (his house actually levitated between two holes)
By October (that’s tomorrow) Mother Nature swings by, elects a winner and immediately freezes the results in the yard as they lay. So these holes stay where they are – frozen in time and space – unless we fill them before then! This situation can be bad. Real bad. Actually, a few years ago, an SP Kennel visitor (dog lover and musher fan) walked through the yard, loving the dogs and ladling out the morning kibble. She slipped into one of the holes and broke her ankle and had to visit the local hospital. OUCH! Therefore, we try desperately to avoid that kind of thing.
Yesterday, September 29th, Allen and Aliy rented a skid steer bulldozer and “took back the yard”. It was more than an all day affair for two people. Aliy moved all of the dogs and all of the houses. The houses were washed and cleaned. Allen spent 8 hours on the bulldozer filling holes, back dragging the yard and re pounding posts. Needless to say, it was a night for Ibuprofen.
Collecting all of the houses; Willie has a nice clean house
Allen smooths the yard with the skid steer; Pretty smooth!
All of the houses and most of the dogs returned to their homes yesterday evening. Several top “hole performers” are staying in temporary accommodations until the ground freezes solid. Tatfish, Fang and Pepe got kennels in the Dog Barn last night. Waylon and Tug were moved to the Barn this morning.
L-R: Viper speaks his mind “You RUINED Everything!”; Mac says “You do realize that it took me all summer to get that hole how I wanted it?!?”
Come on Mother Nature. Tomorrow is October. Let’s freeze it up!
Who would have thought they could do all that. Thanks for sharing. You guys worked so hard and those dogs don't appreciate it one bit do they??. Their faces say it all!!
Wow..what a great job! You guys do it all! Looking forward to see you in New Hampshire.
The dog yard looks brand new! You guys did a great job! My dog Moses loves to dig, too. You must of been exhausted after!
Those are some pretty serious holes!! Yikes. What a gigantic job, you two. It must have been at least a 15 hour day of hard labor. The yard & house do look great, Aliy & Allen.
Great JOB! what a BIG chore that is. I wondered about it but you really filled us in.! lol *Woof Woof! =)
Padee Santa Rosa CA
what a production….!!! Would certainly do that here if we got a hard freeze like you do up there… even so, once a year might be a good idea
Great post and even greater bulldozer work!!! OMG!!!
Let's see, one reason I would use to explain this urban renewal project to the 4-legged crew is that the Two Rivers Conservation Commission, in conjunction with FEMA. had to remove the holes before they became sink holes, swallowing up their dog houses.
Also, as unhappy and directly displeased the guys on the teams appear, you can tell them from me that many college students dorm rooms look worse and no one cares enough to clean up for them! So what Allen and Aliy did for them was because they love them.
Are you two available?
Looks great!
Luckily we don't have diggers but we could use some bulldozing to re-level our yard, there are low-levels.
Have a great season!
Team Ineka
Willow, AK
My son and I adored the post you wrote last year about this where you videoed Mac trying to catch the dirt.
While I realize that this is a huge amount of work for you all, I can't help but find the whole situation quite amusing.
I'm glad I'm not filling all those holes!
Wow….looks like my barnyard after the frost goes out!! Makes me think Digger would be a good dog name!
What dog is standing in the background of Mac's photo. He/she is clearly giving you the evil eye. Look at the body language!
Frances (Friend of Boris)
October 1, eh .. good luck with that!
I appreciate the inside view you give us of taking care of the crew! What a megajob!!!
That Tatfish….. soooooooo crafty!!!