As anyone can imagine, we get quite a few visitors here at SP Kennel. One day ago, Dr. Davis and his research team left after a week long project to establish the baselines for the exercise physiology study this summer. Tomorrow, Mickey and Doug are returning to Two Rivers for the “warm months”. Of course, there will be many more folks coming and going during this summer.
We rarely have canine visitors, but…
Sixteen very friendly and happy dogs owned by Carlson Malemute from Galena are now staying with us. The airplane that they were evacuated on yesterday went to Fairbanks instead of the village of Tanana. The dogs all seem to think… “Hey, dry ground is dry ground, no matter where it is!” I’m sure they just hope, as we all do, that their musher is safe and sound.
What a kind thing to do!
Not surprised that SPK family would welcome them…let's hope all humans and canines come through this as well as they can.
Yes, I hope Carson is safe & sound. What a great thing for SP Kennel to take sixteen happy dogs in. I am sure they are thankful to be on dry ground. Blessings on you Aliy, Allen & SP Kennel!
Nice, nice SPK.
Nice job SPK! They're malemutes? Don't look like I would expect, but they do look very happy to be safe and dry in Two Rivers. Hope their musher and all of the residents of Galena and other the Alaskan communities affected by flooding are safe and enjoying similar hospitality wherever they are.
Ahhhh – a warm house, dry straw and a full tummy! What more could a traveler ask for?
I wouldn't expect anything else from SPK Kennel, you folks are absolutely wonderfull-bless you!
So nice to see, you are good people
Of course SP Kennel stepped in to rescue these fine dogs – that's why we are so fond of SP Kennnel!
There is a level of caring at SP and respect for all creatures, but especially 4-legged ones – bravo!!!
Or as others at SPK might say – Woof!!!
You guys ROCK!! Fingers crossed that Carlson's ok and can be reunited with his dogs soon.
Karla, Sydney
What a terrible flood!! It's always nice to hear how folks pitch in to help out….Good job SPK!! Im sure your canine visitors are comfy cozy in their new quarters!!
You guys are so compassionate to give those beautiful pups a place to rest, eat, and be happy! YOU ROCK!