We can not safely get to Anchorage today for our flight out to Bethel. Aliy, Meghan and the 14 Kusko 300 dogs are stuck in Two Rivers due to unsafe driving conditions. The cargo has been deemed “too precious” to risk.
We are VERY bummed.
Meghan put an awful lot of extra work into preparing dog airline kennels, Bethel dog camp gear and overall truck and travel equipment. Wendy has been loads of help with last minute items. I’d like to thank them for going out of their way to make the Kusko even possible. Our hectic race schedule has had us all working non stop.
I made this decision late yesterday (1/15). I am not happy about it, but I think it is the correct one considering the freezing rain did not stop until well after midnight. Currently it is 10 degrees and sheets of ice.
I’m sorry to disappoint our race fans, but most of all, our dogs.
Kusko 300 Team Line Up:
- Beemer
- Dingle
- Scout
- Waylon
- Viper
- Ranger
- Pud
- Lester
- Kipper
- Mac
- Spoog
- Moxie
- Fang
- Bonita
Here is just a portion of this morning’s Alaska DOT Official Parks Highway Road Conditions:
Good call! Dogs first!!!
At "total bummer" moments like this, I'm always reminded of Allen's sage — and concise — wisdom: "It's always something!"
I doubt anyone questions your decision… I know I don't… I've driven that road in conditions far less dangerous and barely survived to tell the tales!
Here's hoping you all recover from the disappointment quickly and can get really fired up for YQ!… Go SPK Teams!
Aliy and all, I just drove home from work this morning, and I think you made a VERY wise decision. The roads are OK, but barely so and some of them are just downright treacherous.
This is the best decision for the best reason – safety for the team.
Right decision!!
I hope Allen, and SP Kennel Crew will be able to get home in a timely safe manner too.
So Sorry Doggies and Racers. we were all looking forward to more Racing and uupdates from our favorite kennel! Safe journeys All!
padee Santa Rosa CA
I know it must be a big disapointment to you and the dogs, but you know, think of it the positive way, you can get geared up for the Quest at a slower pace! Sorry guys! The one thing I've learned in life is "Things happen for the best", even if we don't think so!
We're proud that SP Kennel always puts their dogs' welfare first. Best that all of you are safe for the other upcoming races.
Hey I really love the dogs, but more than just the cargo is "too precious" to risk. I'd say Aliy and Meghan are darned precious too and the roads sound like an absolute mess. None of your fans want you undertake anything dangerous. It's a tough decision, but one that I'm sure you didn't arrive at lightly. I'll probably be the 100th person to ask, but any chance for a flight tomorrow, perhaps from somewhere closer like Fairbanks? I say that not having the faintest idea what kind of airport one needs to fly out dog kennels…
SPK always has my respect in any decision they make!
I know that portion of the road well. At the speed you would have to drive to do it safely, you would get to Anchorage in time for the race. Iditarod, that is.
Stay safe.
Once again, SP leadership has taken the high road and opted for the safety and well being of the dogs and mushers – I can only guess at the disappointment but am again impressed with the standards followed by your group.
I think you are very wise to make that decision.
I hope you can get a refund on the airfare.
Great decision! Both dogs and mushers keep well! I'll see you at Finger Lake in March!
Best decision you could make – at least, you and the dogs are all safe!
A path has been icily paved for you to have a moment of time, in that crazy race schedule to re-group. Never regret sound decisions that involve safety! We all back you 100% on your decisions because of what you have shown and shared with us! We know your integrity…be bummed, but find the lining for yourselves!
Sorry you won't get to Bethel this year, Aliy…
Definitely next time.
Hey, Allen (& everybody else) didn't get to finish racing Copper Basin last year, but he sure did this year!
I know you & the dogs were ready to tear it up:)
Take Care
So sorry that the weather is not cooperating but admirable that you didn't take the risk that could have caused great harm.
I'm with Macgellan…I drove that road the day after our snowstorm when the road condition reports weren't much better other than it was snow and not ice. I made it…but it was me, myself, and I not all that other precious, dear cargo. Take the time to take a breath in your own home, in your own bed, in your own dog yard. Relish the break and now we will all be cheering at the next go…
Pretty funny — as someone from the "regular" 48 states, I went on to Google maps to understand the geographical relationships between Two Rivers, Anchorage and Bethel.
Guess what, Google maps doesn't even try to provide directions. Such a different world in which you live.
Be safe, good luck with the upcoming races.
I big cheer for the lucky dogs (to use an expression) who made the 14 strong Kuskokwim Team: Only 17 days until the Yukon Quest 300 and 1000, so keep practicing those moves (i.e. slick passing procedures)!!!
Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof!!! And a "woof, woof, woof" for musher and assistants!
Onward and upward!