The BLACK team has set off from Glennallen at 10:08am looking strong and ready to run 300 miles! Scruggs and Quito led the team to the line and Allen looked focussed!
There will be some video of the start to follow once I’ve had a chance to edit it but in the meantime here is a quick chat with Allen this morning.
You may notice Allen’s new sled bag (pictured right).
Super talented Wendy whipped it up in just a few days using an old parachute and as word got around the other mushers one of them commented: “So Allen, if we have to jump out of a plane we find you, right?” It is causing quite a stir and people are keen to find out about it! It is very light and robust so he might have started a new trend.
We will meet the team at the Chistochina checkpoint in a few hours time and will try to update you on how everyone is looking. We’re not certain when and where we will find internet access but we’ll do our best.
Always fun to "cause a stir"! Thanks for the update.
Have a great race Allen!
Thank you SP Kennel crew for all the good work you do for the mushers and the dogs, and for 'us', the long distance fans!!!You make it real for us
Excellent work on the new bag, Wendy. Allen and Aliy must be thrilled she brought their idea to fruition.
Dig the sign the high school shop kids did for CB300 ! Looks great. Thanks for posting such up to date info during race. -Gwen in WA.