The BLACK team handler crew have landed in Paxson! We’ve just pulled in to the Lodge awaiting the arrival of the mushers and will try to catch a little sleep so we are on the ball when the team arrives.
By now you might know the stats for the first leg from Glennallen to Chistochina – Allen and team ran it in 4 hours 49 minutes and rested for five and a half hours. The dogs looked fantastic coming in, with Scruggs and Quito in lead. They took some time to settle down, at one point we were standing on the front and back snow hooks (see below left) as they were pretty keen to keep going but once they figured out they were stopping for a while they got a great rest and ate well.
Allen said the trail was hard and fast with lots of tussocky sections to make it challenging but he was happy with how the team looked at this early stage.
They pulled out of the Red Eagle Lodge with Quito and I.V. in lead at 8.27pm ready for the 58 mile run to Paxson checkpoint. Everyone looked fantastic! The warm, wet conditions will start to come into play for everyone during this leg.
Like you, we are trying to do the maths and figure when we can expect Allen into Paxson. As tiredness sets in later in the race I’m sure you will see us counting on our fingers and checking our calculations three or four times, especially as the time differential kicks in to equalise the start times.
Next post as soon as possible! And what great news about the RED and RED AND BLACK teams!!
Excellent! This has been a great day of racing! Everyone is where I want them to be.
I.V. is only 2 1/2 years old I think. She is really in the deep end and doing a great job hanging with Quito.
Congratulations Red and Red and Black teams! Meghan you are doing awesome!! Aliy, I knew the victory was yours
Allen, you and your Black team rock!!!