This year, Allen is tackling two 1000-mile races in one season. After his successful completion of the Yukon Quest, he only has one more to go: the Iditarod!
With the Quest under his belt, he’s trail-hardened and ready… with only one hiccup. When crossing over Eagle Summit, Allen frostbit the tip of his pointer finger. Luckily, it’s healing well. The only trouble is he can no longer use the key pad on the laptop with that finger!
I've had problems following Allens words…was totally focused on Cha Cha :o)). What a dog. I love her :o)) Allen and dogs all the best for the Iditarod, happy and safe trails.
Loads of hugs for the dogs, best wishes from Germany
Maika Germany
I too was totally focused on Cha Cha lol. I had to watch the video twice to catch what Allen was saying because I couldn't stop paying attention to Cha Cha and how "clingy" she was lol. The whole time Allen was talking, she just kept saying, "shush and pay attention to me instead! All eyes on ME!" lol
Good luck in the Iditarod, Allen! I'm rooting for you & Aliy!
And Cha Cha, you go girl! Don't let those humans get all the attention.
Cha Cha-the couch awaits you in Nome:)
I loved seeing this side of Cha Cha. I've always thought of her as Queen of the Dog yard, in charge and ready to let you know what she thinks. Warm and responsive, but still in charge. Here she is so affectionate and communicative.
Sigh … very nice.