Olivia, or “the Big O” as Allen calls her has been sponsored by Tonia Freeman and Herb Hughes of Green Valley, California. They enjoy the SPKDog Log with their two granddaughters, Amelia and Sascha.
All dog lovers unite at SP K! Maybe even the girl’s dog, “Frida”, will someday come visit us (and try on a harness???)
Thank you Tonia and Herb for sponsoring Olivia racing season!
SP Kennel dog sponsorship is one of our most popular programs. Our dog sponsors are a big part of the SP K team. If you’d like more information about the program, check out How to be a Dog Sponsor.

The “Car Litter” plus Tug and Cutter 3 years ago. “The Big O” is front and center.
(From L to R: Rambler, Tug, Hummer, Honda, Viper Olivia, Ranger, Malibu, Cutter {somewhat buried}, Scout. Beemer is under the pile somewhere.)
SP Kennel dog sponsorship is one of our most popular programs. Our dog sponsors are a big part of the SP K team. If you’d like more information about the program, check out How to be a Dog Sponsor.
OMG about time! Yay Olivia! Finally, WOO!
i love that, just like pictures of people, you can still recognize them when you see a picture of them when they were little. What a big litter, and sooo cute all together in that basket!
Congrats Olivia! I love seeing them again as puppies and they are super stars!
Oh that picture is precious! I want to kiss them all. Is Beemer feeling better? And a belated Congratulations to Allen for his YQ finish and award!
Simply adorable! Such beauties. Whatever in the world did you have off to the left that got such rapt attention from all of them? I'm going to pretend that it was Aliy giving them their first lesson in how to be a SPK super-star. "All right kids, this is a harness…"
Isn't that Cutter behind .. Scout? His face has that big boy look to it already.
Olivia is so, so gorgeous. It is amazing to see them all as puppies. Thank you for posting this beautiful photo.
From Indigo and Chloe