Good morning! I just woke up from a really good sleep — yip woo! — and taken my first look at the standings/GPS.

It is way, way too early in this long, long race to make any assessments or offer any analysis, but — as some of you have noted in the comments — both Teams are moving very well.

Over the next few days I will continually try to piece together the data and tell you what I can about how it matches up with the Teams’ race plans. Keep in mind, however, that this is a very long, dynamic race and their “plans” may have already gone by the wayside.

Right now I’m going to put together a video post of yesterday’s pre-race footage. Then, I will post the final line-ups and try to explain a bunch of last minute substitutions. After that, well, we’ll just have to wait and see!

5 Responses

  • OK, I can't stand it, is that Bullet 3 back??? You don't have to answer me, but just registering that I'm watching to see she made it, thanks,
    MacG!!! You're great with your video.

  • Very exciting race! I notice Allen dropped a dog? Was it Scout?

    I'm guessing Aliy's time was impacted by a campout?

    Still rooting for both SP teams! Safe journey and happy trails!

  • giggle …
    got quiet a demanding group of fans here, mac :o)
    me, too: looking for the dogs who are now happy to run …

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