Here they are!… Your SP Kennel “Denali Doubles” Teams!

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15 Responses

  • We're so proud of Happy making it into the Black team. She has made a lot of progress in her racing career. Congratulations to Happy!
    Chloe and Indigo

  • Which team is the "A" team?
    Who got first pick?
    I wish I lived in Alaska so I could cheer you on in person.

  • I scrutinized your list of the Red and Black teams and realized that Allen is the "A" team. I noted with interest that Happy made the "A" team.

    When they line up tomorrow, would you mind going over the order of dogs?

  • Hey, I notice that Chica's sponsor info hasn't been updated yet on this version of the dog card. Since I'm sure Chloe will be busy rooting for her this weekend, maybe that could be fixed?

  • Okay!…

    First of all… My apologies to Chica/Chloe… Things happen so fast around here… between the time I started laying out the teams and now… They are "fixed"… Along with another sponsorship that hasn't been announced yet… I'm sure some of you will find that one too!

    Second… Happy thanks you for noticing… She will have a statement for the press soon… Minnie and Bonita thank you, too… They have file grievances that they shouldn't have been dropped from the CB300 in the first place… Our attorneys have advised us to refrain from further comment…

    Third… I appreciate your inquiries about "A-Team" vs. "B-Team"… The truth is that we have tried very hard this year to get away from hierarchy of teams… Both teams — no matter what the race — are equally important to the Kennel overall… That's why we've tried to move to "Red Team" and "Black Team"… We know it can be looked at as just semantics and nomenclature, but it feels important to us… Neither team is "better" in the overall than the other…

    That said, of course, in the old context it is clear that the "Black Team" is the "A-Team"… Looking at the dogs and the race plan pretty much gives it away… However, the teams were not "picked first and second"… Aliy and Allen devised two race strategies then went through the roster of dogs simultaneously to determine which team was better for each dog… If you look at the Red Team, you will certainly see dogs who have been — and will be — on "A-Teams"… For this race, each dog is on the right team for him/her.

    I trust you will not read any unintended chastising in my tone… We all appreciate immensely that you are both so knowledgeable and discerning about the dogs. We also know that we've made a move against tradition and it takes time to shift context.

    "A-Team" vs. "B-Team", "Varisty" vs. "Jr. Varsity" were only ever just labels… We don't think they're really accurate or fair… How do you have Bullet, JJ, Betsy, Chica, Spot, Spicy and Stormy on a "lesser" team? Two teams, two strategies, two colors… One Kennel.

    Thanks again for all your interest and support… I have to sign off for a while to do some chores and pack for the road… Wait until you read my "race plan"… Oy!

  • Wow, that was fast. Thanks, Mac. And if that is the most significant thing forgotten in all the chaos, you all are doing pretty well! I just imagined Chloe noticing and being disappointed, and I didn't think Chica would want that 🙂

    Good luck to both teams, and to team Mac!

  • Everyone seems to be able to view both the "Black Team" and the "Red Team". I only get the "Black Team" no matter which one I click on. Any suggestions?

  • It has to be said that Chloe was so busy seeing how 'her' Denali Doubles teams compared to the 'real' teams and re-organising all the dog cards that she has made, that she didn't even notice! But thanks for thinking of her.
    Chloe's Mum

  • Chloe's Mum – The story of your girls and 'their' dogs was one of my favorites from the dog log. I've been thinking pretty seriously about foster/adopting older girls a few years down the line, so it felt like a strange convergence between two interests of mine. Hopefully Happy will still be running happily when I get there, because I agree that she is a great role model.

  • hope everyone has fun and i cant wait for the day i might be able to meet some of you, i'm tryign to get into dog mushing but i don't have much help from where i'm from but ill get there someday ,
    good luck Aliy and Allen, cant wait to see the sled in action.

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