As many folks know, Bridgett, Allen’s daughter, comes to the kennel for a week every month. She is able to visit like this because she works as a nurse in Nome. She schedules her 12 hour night shifts consecutively so that she’ll then have consecutive days off. Usually when she arrives at the kennel she has been awake for at least 24 hours. She just left this morning and will begin her next shift tonight at 7:30.
This week at SP Kennel was full thanks to Bridgett. Of course, the priority was to train the dogs. The ATV four wheelers were in full use as we trained 4 dog teams per day. Training began early in the morning and finished by noon. This left the afternoon for chores.
The first chore was to remove all of the dog houses from the yard. The dog’s were a bit confused and watched us intently as we pressure washed the dirt and grim from their homes.
After a thorough washing, we stacked the houses to dry. Then we repaired any loose roofs, sides or legs. We also replaced dog dishes and floors.
After the houses dried, we began to paint. And paint. And paint. Our original goal was to paint 15 houses a day, move them into the basement to dry overnight and start over the next day. We got 15 the first day! Twelve the second …. and even less the third day. So, we kicked it into high gear on Bridgett’s last day and nearly finished our goal.
Needless to say, there was red paint everywhere!

Great job, Bridgett!!!!!