The second week in August is a celebratory time of the year for the residents of Interior Alaska – it’s fair time!
The Tanana Valley Fair has impressive livestock (even reindeer), huge cabbages (and other veggies), an entertainment stage and carnival rides. There are many booths with tasty morsels and other bits of Alaskana.

The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race has a booth as well. Joanne Potts, Race Director, has volunteers and mushers help her man the booth. One of her main objectives is to sell the “Summer Raffle Tickets” – 2,000 tickets at $100 gives a person a 1 in 1,000 chance to win a brand new Dodge Ram pick up. Check out: for more info.
Allen and I were at the fair Friday night and spent several hours at the Iditarod Booth signing posters and magazines.
Allen, Tami and Joanne at the Fair
Instead of raffling off another stupid truck, we think the Iditarod should do a swimsuit calendar of the mushers. Allen — who is totally the sexiest man in Alaska — should be on the cover!