Important information! Please read and respond…
Although we’ve still got some great video and tales from the trail that we’ll be posting over the next few day, Iditarod 2009 is drawing to a close for us and we imagine it is for you, too. So, we wanted to give you some information about what’s coming up and take this opportunity while we are all still “connected” to make arrangements to keep in touch.
Aliy, Allen and the dogs will be flying from Nome to Anchorage tomorrow night, then driving back to the Kennel in Two Rivers. By the end of the week they will all have packed up again and driven out the Dalton Highway — “The Haul Road” — to conduct their Arctic Expeditions in the ANWR for the first three weeks in April. I will be going with them on the last trip and plan to shoot tons of video to share with you when we get back.
In early May, Aliy and Allen will be taking a little time off for some warmer weather in Mexico, then SP Kennel will start settling into “Summer Mode.” We intend to keep this website pretty “fresh” with new posts, but it will not be an everyday thing, and certainly not the several times a day it has been for the past two weeks!
The best way to keep in touch with what’s going on at SP Kennel is to click here and subscribe to the website feed. If you are not familiar with subscribing to feeds, don’t worry. We invite everyone to join our new email list to which we will send out periodic notices and updates. Even if you think we already have your email address, please take a moment to sign up by clicking here. I’d much rather take a little time to weed out any duplicates than take a chance on you missing out!
So, please sign up and stay tuned! Thank you!
I signed up for the e-mail but clicking on the web site feed gave me nothing.
What it says is that, I may not have a program that is necessary to open the web page.
If you’re having trouble with the site feed, skip it and we’ll catch you on the email list! Some browsers don’t handle feeds… Time to get a Mac!
FYI – My Mac handled the job just right!!
FYI, I was subscribed to the feed via blogger, but sometime before the Iditarod the blog disappeared from my feed list (like it does if someone blocks you from following the feed via blogger). I tried to resubscribe just now as the link you provided does not work, but it told me that I “do not have permission” to follow te blog via blogger.
Would you guys consider unblocking the blogger following feed, so those of us for whom your link doesn’t work can still follow via blogger?