It is 11:15pm Wednesday, March 14, 2007 and Aliy will be leaving White Mountain in exactly 1 hour. It will take her between 9 and 12 hours to make her way through Safety to Nome. Bridgett and Scotty, Allen’s daughter and son-in-law, have set up a dog yard at their house here. We will bring the dogs down to the Iditarod dog yard to be checked out by the vets before bringing them to their temporary home. Bridgett and I headed out on a snow machine to put signs out to welcome Aliy and Allen to their final goal.

Here waiting for them are Mickey and Doug (Aliy’s parents), Donnie (Allen’s Mom), Bridgett and Scotty and Ray and I. It will be wonderful to get them here. I’ll let you know when Aliy arrives.

One Response

  • I found your blog from Tundra Medicine Dreams. It’s just amazing, so very far from my reality in UK. Thankyou for sharing the excitement of the race. Best wishes from Liverpool!

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