Long distance dog mushing is incredible. One of the most magnificent sights is watching a dog team come across the Iditarod finish line and under the burled arch in Nome. It doesn’t matter whether the team has won the competition, come in second place or even 50th… the emotional aspect of this final act is incredible.

This finish line represents the ultimate bond that can exist between dogs and humans. To all of us here at SP Kennel, dog mushing is a fine balance between respect and love. We know what SP Kennel dogs need, we know what they want, and we know what they will do for us. That’s where the respect and love come into play. We must always respect their limits and abilities and only then will they continue to love us and do whatever they can to please us. We need to know exactly what we can ask from each individual. These dogs are our teammates, our buddies, and the bottom line is:
their love and respect is our only mode of transportation through 1,000 miles of Alaskan wilderness.

11 Responses

  • And your love and respect for your dogs is obvious in the amazing lovable retirees
    Beemer & Viper are wonderful and respected by all who meet them. Thank you for what you do!

  • Now that I have been to the Start of the Race, it certainly would be cool to witness the end! Yup…I got to do it at some point! If there is one thing SPK has embedded into my heart is the awesomeness of Dog Power working as a Team. I have been so inspired I am now taking my PawTrek Dog Scooter on some amazing Adirondack Wilderness trails with my 2 trusty German Shepherds in harness!! Sure, my 10 mile treks are awesome with my little Team Adirondack…but multiply that by 100 miles and my goodness….what a bond you must feel with those dogs over that mileage! What an adventure….what memories you must be building! Thank you for sharing it with us!

  • It really is a epic feat each and every time- no matter where you place. The journey that the team goes on relying on one another, problem solving, the encouragement and stories- so inspiring!


  • Indeed!!! I've been away taking care of life pressing matters but I love you all!!!

  • There just isn't a good way to thank you for letting us see your lives, loves, favorites, challenges, and celebrations in such a close up and intimate setting. I am deeply grateful every time you post something for us to read.

  • As everyone else has said much better than I ever could – SP Kennel, two and four legs, is the best!!!

    Enjoy the waning summer vacation!!!

  • Ditto what Barb said. You are so great to let us take a peak into you and your dogs lives, plus we get to interact through this blog. Dogs are awesome! What better teammate could one have!?!?!?

  • Yes, the love and respect between you guys and your dogs is obvious and truly a beautiful thing to behold. To me the Arch represents a unique victory for each person who passes under it with their team, whether the first or the Red Lantern winner, still truly is a winner for they have accomplished their personal best and share that accomplishment with their dogs. I don't think any other sport can offer anything to match it or boast that there are no losers. I envy you who have experienced this, not once but many times! BTW I got a new book on Alaska from National Geographic and Allen and the Black team appear in it as they raced in 2007. How cool is that?

  • I am so praying there is enough snow that you go thru Rainy Pass this year..i will be there cheering you and the others on

  • The Old Farmers' Almanac and even the meteorologists with a strong El Nino forming are talking lots of snow, even in the Pacific Northwest of the lower 48 so let us all pray that extends to Alaska!!! Snow, snow and more snow…

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