Overnight Aliy and the Red Team completed their eight hour stop in Nulato then went straight through Kaltag checkpoint. They are currently resting about 30 miles outside Kaltag. There is a BLM cabin at “Tripod Flat” which is in that area so it is likely they have stopped there on their way to Unalakleet.

In a video of her going through Kaltag we see her quickly restocking her sled while officials did a bag check and vets checked over the dogs. She also packed straw for their camp. Aliy said both she and the dogs are doing well. She had some sleep in Nuato and that can make the world of difference as she sounded bright. The dogs are also doing well and she said they had a great run(s) from Huslia.

She left Kaltag with with Quito and Scout in lead.

This section of trail follows the portage transitioning from the river to the coast. Once the teams get closer to the coast, wind starts to play a factor. This is in the forecast as temperatures are due to climb to around freezing over the next day or so, changing the face of this race again.

In a couple of interviews with the Insider she reiterates that one of the most important pieces of the puzzle right now if for her to keep the team together and keep them healthy in the cold. She will be doing that by ensuring they get rest when they need it and keeping them well nourished. She also needs to be able to make the right decisions for the team and she has shown she is doing this by, even after having very little rest in the previous 32 hours, she was able to make the call to send Nelson and Outlaw home. This was obviously in their best interest.

If you are interested to read more about this section of the trail check out this (click the red words to take you to a link).

Allen gave the Black Team a good long rest in Huslia, staying just over 13.5 hours. He still has 15 team mates with him which indicates there was nothing “wrong”, just that they were tired and it was time for another long rest. You’ll see the frequently now with this team as it is the biggest thing many of them have ever done!

Meanwhile, back in Two Rivers, our local community is so supportive! Check out these two signs.

Pleasant Valley Store; a sign some near neighbors are displaying

12 Responses

  • Woohoo Aliy!
    Informational update, thank you!

    Lots of "firsts" this year?
    Jeff running closer to Aliy's r/r schedule?
    Dallas closer to Aliy at the 2/3?
    Aliy heading to Unalakleet with 14 DOGS, woohoo!!!!!?
    Hang tough all you Red Team pooches! We know you've got what it takes.

  • Hi everyone, I am finally getting a good chance to check on the status of the race other than quick peeks. It is so exciting!!!! I loved the video/chat with Aliy in Nulato, you are a brave lady Aliy for drinking the ensure (ugh). The updates are fantastic as always!! Thanks to everyone at SPK for keeping us up to date.

    Allen and the Black team are looking sharp also. what great training for the up and coming superstars of mushing.

    Go get 'em Red Team!!! kick, pole, kick,pole, kick,pole….


    Go get 'em Aliy

  • It's been fun watching the 85 mile "Race Parade" to the coast on the GPS Tracker. Aliy and the Red Team are doing fantastic!! We got our "SPK ALL THE WAY" sign up in the window too! Your community support reaches far and wide from its center in Two Rivers!

  • I am always amazed at Aily's good decision making skills despite severe sleep deprivation – as well as Allen's in the Quest. It takes 110% of mind and body to do what you do and be so successful. Go, Red Team, go! Thank you all you SP Kennel 2-leggeds for your updates. There's going to be a lot of nail biting and lost sleep while we watch this race play out.

  • After several years of watching from Northern California the Red and Black team's Iditarod races, we now see again their genius at strategy and care of the teams. It's exciting to see great teams leapfrogging each other.
    Enjoy the journey…you are already winners!

    Tonia and Herb

  • Once again (fourth year in a row) Aliy is first out of Kaltag over the portage to the coast. It seems like a faster race than usual without the trek over the Alaskan range, so maybe there will be more in reserve going up the coast. It is getting exciting. Go red team go!

  • Thank you so much for the update!!! I'm Iditarod 'deprived' this year because, due to electronic nuances ( which I don't claim to understand) I haven't been able to subscribe to the Insider!!! However, you do such a great job with your updates Moira, that it makes it all up regarding the Red and Black Teams!
    The regular Iditarod website is doing a great job and so is Sebastian Schenuelle as well! Thank you all!!! 😍😃😀
    The vision and love of Aliy for her beloved pups and the sport of mushing are absolutely outstanding!!!
    Allen and the Black Team are also a force in the sport as well!!!
    Godspeed to Aliy and her pups on this crucial leg of the race!!! Lots of love and well wishes!!! We are ALL pulling for you in Vermont, and I think, the whole world!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🐾🐾🐾🐾

  • This is an amazing race. Go Aliy & team. Thanks for the great updates Moira. Keep to your race plan Aliy. Your strategy is taking shape wonderfully. What an awesome team, Aliy plus dogs. Allen is giving the up & coming rock stars of SPK a great introduction to ID. Go SPK.

  • Ditto re: kudos Moira – and Iditarod has said "sorry" about tracker delays etc.

    Go Red Team!!! Woof, woof, woof, and ONE EXTRA WOOOOOOOFFFF!!!



  • Go Aliy & pups. Per the tracker she is in Unalakleet and Allen is still on the move. It's time for me to shut it down for the night. So exciting to watch all of this!

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