Every season we make an order for a new batch of booties from Kipmik Products and this week they arrived!

You’ve all heard us talk many times about the importance of booties and that we can go through thousands each season. Well, now the booties arrived we start the task of sorting them into sets of four ready for packing into drop bags for the Copper Basin 300, The Yukon Quest and the Iditarod.

A pile of new booties; sorted into sets of four

ChaCha models the new booties

VIP Kennel sponsor Paula Medlin sponsored our Iditarod booties this season, thanks Paula!

12 Responses

  • Kudos to Paula for her VIP sponsorhip and ChaCha is looking very stylish sporting those booties. If I were cloer I'd offer to come help sort and organize!!

  • Thanks so much for this lovely photo of ChaCha and the new booties!

    So many things to do, so many details – and when all the seemingly zillion details are finished and everything comes together it makes for Happy Trails!!!


  • Cha cha looks quite comfortable in her role of 'botie ambassador'
    Best of luck in ALL the upcoming races!!! 😃

  • Hi guys, I hope you are enjoying your bootie party!!! I posted a comment earlier and I hope you got it!!!
    Best of luck on the upcoming races!!! You and the beautiful pups are going to shine… As always!!!

  • Awesome design by Paula Nations Medlin – high fashion footware for the best-looking Alaska huskies – the Red, Black and R&B gang from SP Kennel!!!

    ChaCha looks really graceful showing off her booties!



  • I love booties. I used them on my aged Aussie girl the last two years of her life to help her get traction on a hardwood floor. They are a wonderful invention. Wish I could help sort and package too! If they still needed folks to make them, I would gladly volunteer! I have some old ones for a pattern.

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