We had a celebratory 4th of July BBQ at the kennel yesterday. We sat on the deck overlooking the dogs. Biscuit, Olivia and Spark were ‘Dogs of the Day’ and had temporary positions surrounding the deck. That also means they had the best potential for leftovers from the BBQ!
We were delighted that Bristol Bay Native Corporation delivered 25 pounds of fresh Alaskan Sockeye Salmon the day before the BBQ. As some of you might remember, Aliy was awarded the ‘First Fish Award’ as the first musher to the Galena checkpoint during the Iditarod 2014. She opted to wait until this summer to receive the most fresh fish possible. And was it fresh! The date on the salmon filet package was July 2nd, it flew to the kennel on the 3rd and was consumed on the 4th! YUMMY!

Salmon arrives Goldstreak from Bristol Bay Native Corp; Olivia settles for a tasty bone.

8 Responses

  • Awesome Juy 4th fare!!!

    Looks like a delicious dish!

    I wonder if the dogs were thinking "Oh salmon snacks – is it time to race yet?"

    If I recall correctly, B.B.F.F.A. also gave you a cap – but you're not wearing it in the photo – did Allen swipe it after all?

  • Thank you Aliy and Bristol Bay Native Corporation for letting us join your 4th. I can almost taste it from your description, fresh!

  • Woohoo, Bristol Bay Native Corporation delivers!

    What an awesome, delicious, nutritious way to celebrate Independence Day and all SPK has accomplished at the same time.

    Looks amazing,
    You deserve it!

  • Wow….nothing like freshly caught fish!! We were so proud of you capturing that brand new prize along the trail!! My goodness it looks delicious!! Congrats again!!

  • Man, that salmon looks so fresh and appetizing !!!! I'm so happy for you guys and dogs!!!
    Very good call on Aliy's part to have the salmon delivered in the summer!!!
    What make you guys choose the 'dog of the day'??? Olivia is definitely very happy!!! What do the other dogs think about that!?! 🐶🐕🐾🐬🇺🇸

  • What a delicious feast for the 4th! That salmon looks so delicious.

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