Saturday evening in Whitehorse the finishers banquet and prizegiving was held at the convention centre. Hundreds of people turned up to hear the mushers tell some trail stories and to have an opportunity to thank and applaud the vets, Rangers, officials, photographers and volunteers. It was a fun night!

For winning, Allen received a special handcrafted Yukon Quest knife from Alaska Rod’s, with a 2014 Champion engraved on it. Also received a hand-made beaver fur hat from the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation in Dawson and a $1,000 cheque from NorthwesTel to donate to the charity of his choice. He chose the Yukon Special Olympics.

The banquet room

L-R: Matt Hall (who won not only 3rd place but Rookie of the Year, Veterinarians’ Choice and “Challenge of the North”) and Allen with two of the Canadian Rangers; the Rangers receive thanks.

L-R: John Schandlemeier (5th); Ken Anderson (4th); the Dawson Gold

L-R: Aliy with Brian Wilmshurst (10th and Sportsmanship Award); Allen with his winner’s trophy, a beautiful handcrafted and engraved knife from Alaska Rod’s.

I have some video to go through so will post that later today (all going according to plan).

5 Responses

  • Thanks so much for these snaps of the brave RCMPs plus exultant mushers, winners all!!! What a race!


    Can't wait for the pictures of Quito receiving her Golden Harness and steak dinner!!!

  • Just to clarify, Canadian Rangers are not RCMP. The Rangers are actually a component of the Canadian Army. Regardless, they are a committed, professional organization!

  • A little late, but wanted Allen to know how thrilled I am that he has won the Yukon Quest two years in a row now! Especially after the nail-biting finish right behind Hugh Neff in 2012! After spending time with you both, Aliy and Allen, in ANWR and getting to know you both…your graciousness, professionalism, sense of humor, etc., etc., it is doubly fun and meaningful to watch your successes! I continue to wish you both all the best!

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