9 Responses

  • What a beautiful run with the dogs. The sun on the trees is awesome looking. Running into the ball of fire sun is gorgeous.
    what a great way to enjoy the sun–on a sled with SP dogs running down the trail.

  • Sure wish it was 20 below again for you guys like Aliy said it was on the day she recorded the video. I know the warm temps you're having aren't wanted right now. Great video and photo – it's truly beautiful up there.

  • Whoever is running in left wheel looks back almost every time you speak. Seems like he is trying to sure he is not missing any important information!!

  • Nice to see the weather is holding well for you folks in Two Rivers…..the dogs looked great and I love the "Haw" towards the end…..smooth driving!

  • Woof, woof, woof!!! Great focus by the team!

    Thanks so much for sharing this gorgeous natural spectacular display – and glad to hear the temperatures are low!!!


  • Or were low – wishing for the best weather for 2 legged and 4 legged mushers in upcoming races!!!


  • Beautiful, the trail AND the dogs!!!
    Who's making the cut for the Quest on both both Black and Red Teams? I wish you caould take them ALL!!!
    Those dogs look so happy and so fit!!! 😉

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