Thanks again to all of you who have joined our Dog Fan Club. We’re so excited that it’s proving to be a popular program and we have fans from far and wide: Alaska, the “Lower 48”, Hawaii, Canada, Russia, New Zealand and Australia!

The winner of Draw #2 is PAT LIKOS from Hawaii! Pat is a fan of DINGLE.

We try to make the prize topical for what is going on at the kennel and recently we had all the dogs inside; weighing them, cutting nails and checking feet. Of course, to get the dogs from their houses to the garage we use leashes so Pat wins an Alaska Dog Leash. We hope it’s useful Pat! She’ll also receive a certificate, glam shot and some other goodies. Dingle gets some extra treats from the Dog Fan Club biscuit bucket.

We thought you might like to learn more about Dingle:

The next draw is Sunday, December 29th and the names of everyone who hasn’t already won and all new members will be in the hat (when we say “hat” we mean they will be in “the spreadsheet that automatically generates a random number” but that doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.)

Click the button below for instructions on how to join:

Click this button below to take you directly to the Dog Fan Page.

5 Responses

  • Great interview! I love to learn things about all the dogs! Thank you for taking the time to educate all of us!

  • Congrats Pat and Dingle……I'm liking the Fan Club activities! It's a great way to get to know the dogs a bit better!! Dingle seems like such a sweet dog…..thanks SPK for making a place for Dog Fans to express their support!!

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