12 Responses

  • That made my day!! I love the part where they all stop for just a moment….then RUN back romping and playing! It's fun to watch the sibling rivalry in play mode….tackling, taking the lead in a charge, wandering off a bit from the pack just to be swooped back up into it on the next pass through….ah…to be a puppy! Bet they crashed fast asleep after all that puppy play!

  • Awesome!

    Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof!!!

    What a riot!!!

    Thanks so much for this sonic wall winter wave of woofers!


  • What joy, the puppies playing in the snow. Thanks so much for posting this Aliy. I have been waiting to see the puppies in the snow. They are growing so fast & their different personalities are coming out. I love it.

  • Is that Viper (25 seconds), who just can't resist getting in on such great puppy fun? Funtastic!

  • Those puppies have such a great life!!! You guys are wonderful in the way you treat your dogs!!!!

  • Let's all go out this way
    Ah, probably should go back
    Hey, come on back out this way
    Now everyone go back toward the yard
    Hey Hey not so fast, not so far
    Wait, what is that I smell?
    Don't know let's go this way
    Let's go back
    No, no there IS something over there I see it

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