Take a look at our new “Dog Mushing Basics” page!

On this page we describe the traits of the fabulous Alaskan Husky and explain some basic terminology and the different types of mushing. Our intent is to address some of the common questions and queries we’ve had in letters and emails over the years.

For those of you who have been around the traps for a while this will be nothing new for any novices or “yearlings” out there, we hope you find this useful.

We continue to strive to be the most entertaining AND informative dog mushing website.

6 Responses

  • Excellent tutorial on the basics of mushing! And I also note that many of the 2013-2014 portraits are up on the main page slide show – awesome!!!

    Thanks so much!!!

  • I often times point folks to the SPK website to learn more about to sport….this will help with the basics and some of the little known history on the evolution of mushing into a sport. Nice addition to the site!

  • Now the whole FIRE Litter is up and boy, do they have personality, ranging from stoic to flirty!!!


  • Great page you guys! And you all are the best example of that wonderful lifestyle!!! Thank you!!!

  • Great info on dog mushing & the Alaskan Huskies. I enjoyed it very much, thanks for posting the info. You have succeeded in being the most informative & entertaining website. It is great to see the puppies pictures on the join the team slideshow. SP Kennel is the absolute best.

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