We have NO EVACUATION orders yet.

The wind had been in our favor for the last few days but the fire is still creeping towards us. Late last night we watched a Fire Service air show from our second story porch: scooper planes, spotter planes, helicopters and jump ships. We could see the fire line moving along the ridge to the southeast. This morning the wind has shifted slightly, so the smoke has engulfed the ridge and our house. I’m not sure which is more intimidating… actually seeing flames at a distance or smoke engulfing us.

The view from our house.

We live in a neighborhood of professional wildland firefighters. Many of their cabins are just south of us and are the first residences in the line of this fire. These guys took the day off from work yesterday to prepare their own homes for fire and evacuation. Today they have all chosen to go to work (in Fairbanks). In my mind, this means they have confidence in the system. (Plus, I can call and harass Ray hourly for updates!)

Despite the ups and down in life, we are happy to live in the USA. We hope everyone will celebrate the 4th of July and the independence of our great nation.

11 Responses

  • Wish I could send you some of the rain we are getting in NYS. I will think good thoughts that all of you and your property wil be safe from the fire and smoke.

  • our prayers for all up there.The smoke drove our evacuation in 96 from the Miller Reich fire.

  • Thanks so much for the update! I am glad you all are still safe. It is very difficult to see the fire line creeping closer & then the smoke being on top of you. I pray that all of the SPKennel crew canine & humans stay safe. A lot of blood has been shed to protect our nation , I hope I never take our independence for granted. Happy 4th of JULY!

  • There are no words that can express my admiration for the SP Kennel family – while in the eye of the storm (literally) you remind us of all we have to be grateful for. thank you! Stay safe and hopefully the show will stop soon.

  • Wow! it is very close to u… Wish I could be closer and help if u needed someone.. But I will be up there next week. If needed just e-mail me, I could be there fast. Be safe and prayers are with everyone around the area. Hope the rain comes real soon for you all… Connie in Florida!!!

  • I certainly hope you and the dogs are safe and don,t have to all leave quickly. Hoping it don,t come any closer to you. I used to live in Southern California many years ago and I have been in fires and suddenly they come at you. Once we grabbed the kids and had nothing just to get out. It stopped at our creek, but it was like driving in heavy fog. Not fun and I hope you don,t have that problem.

  • Thoughts are with you Aliy, Allen, and dogs. Thanks for the update…I know when we were watching the water rise and rise towards our house and kennel it was incredibly stressful. Seems like you are maintaining as positive an attitude as possible in this situation. Let us know if we can do anything to help!

  • God bless you all and help you during this time of uncertainty! And, Yes, God Bless America!!!

  • We evacuated our ponies before Sarah and Sam got to hear @ your horse days. 🙁
    I couldn't get good news via the conventional avenues so was glad to have your news to pass on to Sonny. He's holding down our place; the kids and I left early Monday for our already planned annual visit to his folks. Glad you're safe. Gina

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