7 Responses

  • I'm curious if Ryne is running the yearlings with necklines and traditional harnesses for this race – or have they 'stepped up' to running more freely like the older dogs?

  • Best of luck Ryne – keep the baby dogletes in line. Looks like a beautiful day in Whitehorse – go for it Aliy.

  • Thanks for the updates Moira. Just last year Wendy and I had a great time racing from checkpoint to checkpoint in order to hurry up and wait, and wait, and wait! Fingers crossed that the SPOT Trackers will work better this year.

    Here is an itinerary for you.

    Braeburn – Cinnamon Rolls
    Carmacks – A quick game of Curling
    MaCabe Creek – Sneek in on foot to get a glimpse of the team going past without them seeing you and hope Allan did not have to drop a dog.
    Pelly's Crossing – Not long to wait here. Noisy hall but warm. Once Allen departs checkpoint, make sure Ray does not leave you behind as he burns rubber on ice to get to Dawson.
    Dawson – a lot of sleep and a lot of waiting. Sausauge rolls from the Aussie bakery.


  • @ Melissa, the yearlings are running like the 'big dogs' in half harnesses. A couple of them had necklines at the start to get them in the right direction.

    @Wes, thanks for the tips!

  • Thanks for getting multiple YQ updates out during such a busy time – you guys are awesome. I'm cheering for all 3 teams and wish the handlers safe travel on the roads between checkpoints.

    How great that the YQ300 has snazzy RED bibs that color-coordinate so well with Aliy & Ryne!

    Go DOGS!

  • Go Aliy and Ryne and dogs.
    love all the updates and photos. keep up the fantastic work SP crew.
    Also thanks for in insite on how things work for the crew Wes.
    Maureen from BC

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