Allen and the Black Team were the first team into Braeburn at 11.31pm last night and they did look good! They stayed for a little over their mandatory four hours (plus 45 minute time differential from the start) and hit the trail for Carmacks at 4.20am this morning.

Allen said the trail was “punchy” (soft) for the first half and it started “setting up” (getting faster) as they approached Braeburn. They all ate super well, slept well despite teams pulling in and out around them and they were rearing to go! I managed to capture them leaving.

Whilst Allen was preparing to leave, Aliy and the Red team also pulled into Braeburn at 3.40am – just two minutes behind Michelle Phillips. She is really happy with the way the team is running. She has left Braeburn but at the time of writing I cannot find an official out time for her.

We are at Carmacks and have caught some sleep ourselves and now we are expecting them to arrive “soon” (we’re glued to the tracker and the little jumping dogs also).

PS – Aliy checked out of Braeburn at 7.51am

7 Responses

  • Scout and Beemer still in lead, with speedsters Quito and Olivia in swing… Draw your own conclusions.

    Loudmouth Scooter in high gear… All the dogs looking great!

    You gotta love Allen telling them to take it easy!

  • I don't think I can move 3 inches from a computer! I'm absolutely loving the quest, I greatly appreciate any and all videos. Did you see the great one of Allen and Mackey that the Quest posted on youtube?

    I wish more updates were given about the 300, I feel sorely out of loop about it.

  • Allen and the Black teams time on the YQ official standings looks wrong. it says he arrived at 23.31 did he not arrive at 11:31 ????

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