I apologize for the delay, but there was no internet or phone service in Circle. Allen arrived in Circle around 4:20 this morning and was in a great mood. Not only was Birch Creek a VERY balmy -20 but also…no overflow! At times along the creek, the team was moving so fast that he stopped ski poling so that they wouldn’t pick up too much speed! Overall, Allen was very happy with the run into Circle. Allen only stayed for a mere 4 hours and 45 minutes, but he still had time for a big breakfast of bacon, potatoes, eggs in a nest (toast with eggs cooked in the middle), pancakes, and more bacon as well as a nap at the fire station.
The team looked spunky leaving with Olivia and Quito in lead.

One Response

  • No need to apologize. The entire team is providing an exciting experience for us sitting watching the computer screen.
    LR and Stella

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