Iditarod Vet Paperwork and a peanut butter cookie

Every Iditarod dog is required to have a complete blood count (CBC) and a full chemistry panel. These tests were done two weeks prior to the race. The tests provided an overview of a dog’s general health status. In addition, the dogs also had ECGs (electrocardiography). The ECG measured the rate and regularity of their heart beats as well as the size and position of the heart chambers. It could indicate the presence of any damage to the heart.

Dr. Stu Nelson, the Head Iditarod Veterinarian, as well as an additional cardiac specialistic look through the results. Dr. Nelson then calls all Mushers and talks about the results. SP Kennel got their results this week. I have to be honest, it is a bit nerve wracking to wait for the results. But, after talking to Dr. Nelson, the SP Kennel dogs look good!
The next step is to have overall veterinary physical exams for each dog. The Iditarod Veterinarians provide these exams at the Iditarod Headquarters on Wednesday, February 29th. However, we want the SP Kennel dogs to spend the least amount of time possible on the dog truck. So, the SP Kennel dog will miss these exams since they do not come down to Anchorage until Thursday evening. Therefore, we have a friend, dog musher and local Veterinarian – Dr. T. Rose – look through our dogs here at SP Kennel while they run around the garage.
We want to thank Dr. Rose for her time, professionalism, generosity and especially, for the peanut butter cookies! You can’t spend a morning looking through Iditarod dogs with out munching on a delicious cookie. Thanks T!

One Response

  • THANK YOU Aliy and Ryne for this valuable learning tool for my students. Grand aventures and safe travel to you and your teams.

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