17 Responses

  • In this case, I really think they ought to get rid of the trackers. What a finish!
    Way to go Allen and the Black Team. A little R&R in Dawson, and then finish this race.

  • What a nail biter! You must be so proud of Allen and the dogs, Aliy! Looking forward to the second half!!

  • Way to go Allen!!!!! Now the tracker has to catch up it still has you and Lance out on the trail.
    Maureen W

  • Excellently awesome!!!! What an exciting race – we'll be cheering you on right into Whitehorse (in first place, of course).

  • Once again, congratulations, Allen. What an excellent strategic position to be in for the 2nd half of the race.

    I'm sure you now know that literally hundreds if not thousands of people were "watching" the race to see who would get to Dawson first on the Yukon Quest Facebook page. I stayed up to see if you made it in first. I am so happy for you.

    Thank you, Bridgette for posting on the Facebook page, as soon as Allen got into Dawson.

    We are all going to want to know if you were aware of how close behind Lance was from you, if you wouldn't mind sharing. When did you think you were going to make it in first? And how are the dogs?

    May this break be a truly refreshing one for you and your dogs.

  • Fantastic – great job Allen and dogs! Thanks to all of you behind the scenes for keeping the Dog Log updated, much appreciated. Looking forward to an exciting second half of racing. Go Black Team!

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